Jeweler's tri-level addition with double-height and column-free spaces wrapped in two different glass facades will replace an office extension built in 1980
The $250-million, 2.4-acre multilevel public outdoor space, which replaces an old Hudson River pier in Manhattan, uses precast concrete components, deep pilings and MEP systems in innovative ways. Says its project executive: "When I started working on the project, we weren't really sure if it could be built."
It took 1,900 pounds of explosives and less than five seconds on Feb. 17 to implode the 39-story main tower of the former Trump Plaza hotel and casino on the boardwalk.
The estimated $10B rebuild plan, released Jan. 21, calls for a complete main terminal upgrade at its current location to accommodate a nearly 40% expected post-virus increase in bus capacity.
Shooting at Parcel H at the Boston-area Cambridge Crossing project for Consigli, Umenhofer noticed this welder “joining two remarkably thick steel columns,” the photographer says.