MidAtlanticMid Atlantic Construction ProjectsMidAtlantic Features Development Dollars Help Skanska Soar By Bruce Buckley In 2012, Skanska closed on its first public-private partnership deal in the U.S.�the $2.2-billion Midtown Tunnel in Norfolk, Va. Photo courtesy of Skanska USA In June, the company completed a $37.4-million addition to The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Photo courtesy of Skanska USA In fall 2014, Skanska is scheduled to complete a $257-million, 450,000-sq-ft expansion of the Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Del. Photo courtesy of Skanska USA The $64-million 11th Street Bridge Project in Washington is scheduled to be completed in 2015. Photo courtesy of Skanska USA August 11, 2014 Share This Story Bruce Buckley is a freelance writer and photographer based in the Washington, D.C., area. Previous 1 2 3 Next Post a comment to this article Name* E-mail (will not be displayed)* Subject Comment* Report Abusive Comment Thank you for helping us to improve our forums. Is this comment offensive? Please tell us why.