Express Lanes/Bus Rapid Transit: The U.S. 36 Express Lanes build upon the existing I-25 Express Lanes by extending the regional Express Lanes system to form a continuous network from downtown Denver all the way to Boulder. It is a priority regional transportation project in one of the highest growth corridors in the state.
Express Lanes Project, Phase I: CDOT selected the Ames-Granite Joint Venture team as the design-build contractor for the $312-million project, and the team began construction in July 2012. The project will open to the public in January 2015. The project is a multi-modal project led by CDOT and the Regional Transportation District to reconstruct and widen U.S. 36 from Federal Boulevard to 88th Street in Louisville/Superior. Phase I project details:
• Adds an express lane in each direction of U.S. 36 BRT, HOV and tolled SOV lanes;
• Widens the highway to accommodate 12-ft-wide inside and outside shoulders;
• Replaces the Wadsworth Parkway, Wadsworth Boulevard (at 112th Avenue), Lowell Boulevard and Sheridan Boulevard bridges, and the U.S. 36 bridge over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway.
• Adds BRT improvements, including new electronic display signage at stations and bus priority improvements at ramps. The improvements also will allow buses to operate on the shoulders of U.S. 36 between interchanges to decrease bus travel time;
• Installs ITS for tolling, transit and traveler information, and incident management;
• Installs a separate commuter bikeway along much of the corridor; and
• Improves RTD stations along the corridor, including new canopies with enhanced weather protection.