PROJECT COST: $13.8 Million

UNM Science & Math Learning Center
UNM Science & Math Learning Center
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Consisting of three floors above grade and one floor below, this 60,000-sq-ft learning center will promote freshmen level interaction between the mathematics, chemistry, biology and earth and planetary science departments. Usable areas will include a 200-seat auditorium, meeting lobby, study areas, classroom labs, faculty offices and a coffee shop. Specialized laboratory mechanical systems, plumbing and electrical are required, along with site work such as major relocation of sewer lines, electrical duct banks, telecommunications, storm and water lines. The project is pursuing LEED gold.

Location: Albuquerque, N.M.
Started: June 2009
Target Completion: October 2010
Owner: University of New Mexico
Design Firm: Van H. Gilbert Architect PC (Lead); Shepley Bulfinch (Associate)
General Contractor: McCarthy Building Cos. NM, Inc.
Engineers: Bohannan Huston; MacCornack Engineering; Bridgers and Paxton
Subcontractors: Miller Bonded; Hughes & Associates; Amestoy Dri-wall; Service Electric; Western States Fire Protection; Rio Grande Contract Glazing

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