PROJECT COST: $123,028,658
Recent work at El Paso's Fort Bliss includes the design and construction of 12 Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facilities. The TEMFs are located within the IBCT complexes and are used to maintain vehicles and other equipment. When complete, the TEMF structures will total approximately 320,000 sq ft to service 3,268 vehicles.
Forty-eight ancillary storage buildings will be provided on the TEMF sites that will be used for the storage of gear and equipment and unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as fuel and other hazardous materials. The job includes all sitework and concrete construction for the project, including approximately 4-million sq ft of 10-in. reinforced concrete paving.
BIM has been used in the project's design, allowing close coordination between all facets of the project. Clash detection is run between all design models to ensure areas of conflict are resolved prior to construction.
The 60 facilities are being built as part of a 640-acre site development project on which 40 additional facilities are under construction by four other general contractors.
Key Facts
Location: Fort Bliss
Construction Start Date: July 2009
Expected Completion Date: March 2011
Utilizing BIM? Yes
Seeking LEED certification? Yes - Silver
Owner/Developer: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Savannah District, Savannah, Ga.
General Contractor: Sundt Construction Inc., Tempe, Ariz.
Architect: RNL Design, Denver, Colo.
Civil and Structural Engineer: Martin/Martin Inc., Lakewood, Colo.
MEP Engineer: RMH Group, Lakewood, Colo.
Main Specialty/Subcontractors: Berg Electric, Escondido, Calif.; Sure Steel Inc., Sandy, Utah; Border Mechanical, El Paso