PROJECT COST: $51,000,000
The new Business Leadership Building at the University of North Texas is a 180,000-sq-ft, four-story classroom and administration building serving a student body of approximately 5,650. It will also be used by 112 faculty members and a staff of 51.
Built with the future in mind, the building anticipates future use by 7,500 student and 140 faculty members. It offers 24 classrooms of various sizes and more than 222 offices for faculty, staff and doctoral students.
BIM is being used by the project team to coordinate the placement of all above-ceiling work, including mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire suppression material and ductwork.
Key Facts
Location: Dallas
Construction Start Date: December 2009
Expected Completion Date: June 2011
Utilizing BIM? Yes
Seeking LEED certification? Yes - Gold
Owner/Developer: University of North Texas System, Denton
General Contractor: Hunt Construction Group, Dallas
Construction Management Firm: Hunt Construction Group, Dallas
Architect: Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., Fort Worth
Civil Engineer: Charles Gojer & Associates, Dallas
Structural Engineer: Datum Engineers Inc., Dallas
MEP Engineer: Jacobs, Fort Worth
Main Specialty/Subcontractors: TDIndustries, Dallas; System Electric, Plano; Capform Inc., Carrollton; Basden Steel, Burleson; Fenimore-Blythe, Fort Worth