So far, 418 public buildings have been retrofitted or reconstructed, which is 76% of the project's original target of 550 buildings. An additional 69 buildings are being strengthened now. Retrofitting of 110 schools started in June 2010. The schools addressed so far serve about one million students and have more than 33,300 teachers. The hospitals strengthened and modernized to date serve more than 25,000 patients daily.
Istanbul also has created a digital inventory of its cultural heritage buildings. Designs for strengthening three historic buildings have been completed.
In the aftermath of the Van earthquake, Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyib Erdogan pledged to crack down on illegal buildings, promising, “We will not be concerned with losing votes by enforcing this policy.” He said legal amendments would soon authorize the government to demolish shoddy buildings and compensate their owners as a solution to the country's chronic problem of substandard construction.