City Grill
Meloni McDaniel
“Some of the fastest-growing areas in the country are located in North Texas, including Fort Worth and the North Dallas 121 area,” McDaniel says. TEXO is seeing an influx of new construction companies and supporting businesses moving into the area. But the shortages of skilled labor will continue to be a challenge, she says. “Our two national association (ABC and AGC) economists have suggested this pace of construction will remain steady until 2017, then decrease to a more sustainable and steady pace,” McDaniel says.
Firm in Focus
The Beck Group
1807 Ross Ave., Ste. 500, Dallas
CEO: Fred Perpall
Employees: 700
Founded: 1912
Recent work: The firm broke ground on Dec. 8 for Granite Place, an office tower at Southlake Town Square. It also recently completed the College of Business building at University of Dallas, which opened in January.