Rock Creek NWWC/Outfall SA-6
San Antonio
Award of Merit
General Contractor Prudent Technologies Inc.
Owner/Civil Bexar County Flood Control
Lead Design Bury Inc. (Now Stantec)
Structural IES
Arborist J&L Consulting Ltd.
Construction Inspection Foster CM Group Inc.
The project team used natural materials at Rock Creek to provide erosion control. Throughout construction, adverse weather and flooding became a regular obstacle in completing day-to-day tasks. Most of the work took place in the creek itself, so crews paid close attention to weather reports while taking care to secure both equipment and materials before severe storms hit the site. The team also utilized a product called FlexaMat—a series of concrete blocks held together by a high-strength geogrid—which helps with erosion control in high-velocity areas but also allows vegetation to grow.