City Grill
Matthew W. Meier
HHL Architects
“There clearly is a renewed spirit of construction in our community,” says Meier. “It might just be a [feeling] that now is the time to strike while the iron is hot, so to speak.” He adds that support for new housing, both market rate and affordable, has been growing in the area. Construction plans for public housing are changing from “large public housing developments to smaller apartments and townhouse type developments. Areas that had been distressed are getting a second look as places to rejuvenate a new community,” he says.
Firm in Focus
Trautman Associates
37 Franklin St., Buffalo
Managing Principal: John J. Vujnovic
Founded: 1956
What's New: The firm is currently doing work for Villa Maria College in Buffalo. Construction includes renovations to the library as well as an expansion of the college’s current recital hall.