Colorado Springs Airport Runway 17R-35L and Taxiway

Colorado Springs

Award of Merit

Submitted By: Kiewit Infrastructure Co.

Owner: City of Colorado Springs

Lead Design Firm: RS&H Inc.

General Contractor: Kiewit Infrastructure Co.

Because the 11,000-ft-long, 150-ft-wide grooved asphalt general aviation runway and its adjacent taxiway connectors are in near constant use, the rehabilitation needed to make the most of a 90-day closure window while still meeting standards for quality, safety and long-term durability. The challenges arose early as grade elevations used for the rehab design didn’t match actual runway conditions. Efficient coordination with the engineer, contractor and owner mitigated the discrepancy without compromising the construction schedule. Pandemic-related supply-chain disruptions forced alternative procurement strategies. Early coordination with quality-assurance specialists led to the approval of an asphalt base course mix containing 25% recycled material. Though rare for airport projects, the mix produced high-quality results and has since become the airport’s preferred base course mix. Along with providing a new long-lasting surface and pavement striping, the project included upgraded electrical infrastructure and associated safety improvements.