Bentley Infocenter

The way that infrastructure is designed, built, and operated is changing. Some are calling it “disruptive innovation.” But this term doesn’t fully capture the essence of the ongoing changes in infrastructure delivery. The shift towards digital transformation is driven by the need for more efficiency, sustainability, and continuity across the asset lifecycle, making it less about disruption and more about strategic advancement.

This strategic advancement involves enhancing and optimizing existing systems rather than completely replacing current capabilities. By augmenting existing workflows, firms can facilitate a more seamless transition to digital design delivery.

Although technology is a critical component, it's the implementation that truly enables digital transformation. A well-structured framework that aligns with an organization's goals is key to a smooth transition as firms integrate new applications into their existing workflows. This approach ensures that technology serves as a catalyst for growth and efficiency, rather than a stumbling block. It's the synergy between innovative capabilities and thoughtful implementation that drives successful organizational change.


Optimize Engineering Work-in-progress (WIP)

Engineering WIP is the foundation of a solid digital strategy. Embracing digital transformation involves more than just transitioning to 3D models; it's about optimizing the management of existing files and documents. Ensuring a seamless flow of information is crucial, as it connects all stakeholders—from technical experts to subcontractors and clients—providing them with the necessary data to make informed decisions and maintain project momentum.

For an organization to successfully transition to digital design delivery, it is crucial to have a solid foundation in place. This foundation involves fully implementing and optimizing three key Work in Progress (WIP) best practices:

  1. Store all project data in a secure, accessible repository
  2. Set enforceable standards
  3. Monitor project status effectively
man at a display

Image: iStock Photo 665418050

Make a Commitment to Model-based Design

The evolution of design towards a blend of traditional files and advanced models represents a pragmatic approach to innovation in engineering workflows. By enhancing existing systems rather than overhauling them completely, organizations can leverage the strengths of both worlds. However, transitioning to a model-based design framework is a substantial shift that necessitates well-defined objectives, strong leadership, and a dedicated commitment to change. This strategic integration can lead to more efficient processes, improved collaboration, and, ultimately, superior design outcomes.

Start by considering the near-term benefits of model-based design and how they align with current business objectives. Outline those connections, making them explicit to ensure that stakeholders recognize the immediate value and prepare to measure return-on-investment.

Next, think about the future. Where is your organization going? What will model-based design enable later that might take some time to grow? Now is the time to identify those foundational workflows and tactics that will create a competitive advantage in the years ahead.

With the value of model-based design clearly defined, it’s time to communicate and promote these concepts across the organization. Successful change management depends on culture as much as technology, so it’s important to establish a shared vision for the future. The key is to have executive management evangelize digital transformation and bring it to reality


Empower a Team to Lead the Charge

Establishing a task force dedicated to experimenting with models and digital twins is a strategic approach to innovation. This team should embody a diverse set of skills and perspectives, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the organization's needs. By focusing on small-scale projects initially, they can develop and refine workflows that are both effective and minimally disruptive. It is essential to provide this team with the necessary resources to foster collaboration and creativity, allowing them to work without the constraints of tight deadlines or high-stakes project pressures. This methodical yet flexible approach will likely lead to more sustainable and adaptable integration of digital twins within the organization.

So, what are the components of an ideal task force?

  • 3-5 people
  • Representation from various parts of the organization
  • A strong leader
  • 3D modeling skills
  • Positive attitude
people with a laptop

Image: iStock Photo 863497476

Refine and Master Digital Twin Creation

The creation of digital twins is a transformative step for any organization, allowing for the virtual replication of physical assets, systems, or processes. It's essential to harness the full spectrum of engineering data, including geospatial information and metadata, to build comprehensive models. By experimenting with various methodologies and documenting the evolving processes, the task force can establish a robust framework. This work will enable the scaling of digital twin technology throughout the organization, leveraging its distinct capabilities to enhance efficiency and innovation.

The duration of the digital transformation phase is variable, and hinges on several critical factors. A well-prepared team, adequate resources, and a robust data infrastructure can significantly expedite the process. Conversely, if these elements are not in place, the process could be prolonged.

nighttime time lapse on a bridge

Image: Adobe Stock 47969108

Next Steps

Digital transformation represents a continuous path towards innovation and efficiency. Organizations that have embraced technologies such as ProjectWise and iTwin are well-positioned to gain a competitive edge. These platforms can streamline infrastructure delivery by integrating information modeling and project information management, thus enabling better decision-making and more efficient project outcomes. As the digital landscape evolves, staying ahead means continuously adapting and leveraging these advanced capabilities for future success.


Are You Ready to Start Your Transformation?

Embracing digital transformation is a strategic move that can redefine the way organizations operate and deliver value. Bentley's comprehensive suite of services, including the expertise of our service team and extensive training resources, is designed to support your journey. With ProjectWise and iTwin, we can help you develop a customized plan that aligns with your unique goals, ensuring a seamless transition into the digital future. Reach out to Bentley for a partnership that transforms challenges into opportunities.