Leaders of eight construction technology companies announced launch on Dec. 11 of Built by Builders, a support group for the growing tech sector that also aims to boost user confidence in adoption of next-generation tools and processes developed by experts with previous industry project management experience who seek to drive innovation and efficiency. 

“Our goal is to create a platform where industry innovators can support each other, collaborate on groundbreaking ideas, and elevate the construction sector, as a whole," says Steve Dell’Orto, founder and CEO of ConCntric, a preconstruction management and collaboration platform and a founding group member. He adds that Built by Builders seeks construction industry technology development based on "real-world experience and a deep understanding of what builders truly need.” Dell’Orto is a 26-year construction industry veteran and former regional executive officer of Clark Construction.
Other group founding members are founders and CEOs of Document Crunch, a contract and document review platform; Clearstory, a change order management platform; Togal.AI, an artificial intelligence-based estimation platform; ProjectMark, a construction customer relationship management platform; SALUS, a safety management software; Kaster, a trade subcontractor management platform; and PLOT, a worksite procurement and delivery tool.
Dell'Orto said the group expects to add more construction technology firm leaders as members in coming months.
The group formation "stems from a lot of the conversations I was having with our customers, and the realization that my background as a construction industry executive and really having hands-on experience at a deep level ... gave [our customers] comfort that somebody has walked in their shoes, and maybe even mastered the issues that they're dealing with,"  he said. "Building that experience into a tool they can use made a big difference. This is really about elevating the industry."
The group is planning to launch a dedicated website, as well as the first in a series of webinars already announced on ConCntric's website.