
Bill to Overhaul Texas Transportation Commission Heads to State Senate

May 19, 2009

Most in the highway construction and engineering business have been following the massive sunset bill that TxDOT needs to stay afloat. Included in the plan--approved by the Texas House of Representatives--is a provision that would revamp the Texas Transportation Commission. The plan would abolish the five-member commission, which is appointed by the Texas governor, and replace it with a board of 15 elected officials.

In case you've missed some of the scathing editorials, here are a couple of recent reactions: The Austin American-Statesman, in an editorial titled "15 lanes of gridlock" called the plan, a "mini house of horrors" (May 13); The Dallas Morning News, in its editorial titled "Beast of a TxDOT reform bill" calls the plan "a mess" (May 12)

Tell us what you think: Does the commission need to be revamped? Should its members be elected? Would the highway contracting community be compromised by solicitations for campaign contributions by potential candidates who would run for elected commissioner slots?
