10 Years of Innovation: Technology Takeaways
October 5, 2012
Dennis Shelden, CTO of Gehry Technologies, said 10 years ago, at the inaugural Innovation Conference, Frank Gehry predicted that partner Jim tktk, made a prediction that:
Small developments in digital media could become catalyst for the tktktk for profound changesin ceonomics of produc tion and tktk of form.we started a company to pursue that change....
at the time, i think for many uears after, the change was something of a curiorisity if you were pursuign designs like airplanes or fish, but for the broad industry tktktk, was seen as tktktk,
a lot of change in last 10 years, i think many precitions -- 10 year point of demarcation to consider t that despite and maybe beauty of tktktk and economic turmoil, it reall has been a remarkab le decade of progress. A lot of amazing, profound changes happened, clearly because of technolgoy, but because for other things as well.
Maybe we're livign in a unique era -- but it's been a fascinating and maybe it's just the beginninf of the pace of things to come.
So what happened?
to boil it down into simple economic argujemts....Moore's law.computing is acceleratinbg explonentially and the number of bits, tktkt, cost is dropping t,t,, economics
What might happen in this: cost of oding things through digital means has tktktk information, automcation and manual procion.
happened a lot earlier in manufacturing -- but really the inflectionm point was around 07, we were involved with -- SOM's work at the WTC -- that the moment in time broadly impact this industry.
you might think so in the 6 years, tktktk at 10 years, computing power htat grown 100 times over last 10 years and the cost of a bit has dropped a 100 fold. That's 6 orders of magnitude since 1963 - even look at digital driven projects -- (barcelona fish?) there's been a 10k fold improveemtn in efficiekcneis of technologies at that time.
There's certain elegance when tktktk. when bits were more expensive....that the other aspect is one of the bigt movments in the industrry is ingegrated practice.
Integrated practice
The term Integrated project delivery has been taken over by a parcitul set of contractural suppositions about how parties work toetehr. But that basic notion of people starting to working toegher in different ways, with technology in a free form tktk, as a catalyst for that i think is really fundamental to everything we've seen.
A lot of GT is really about these connections -- from architect to builder to fabricato—people who make stuff and know how it all fits together --
cutting across all the latency int he middle of this sort of paper chase -- has really been one of the hallmarks of one of thetktkt that we've tried to do.
might call it inverting the process -- we take decisions that happened years after tktk, so that the impacts of decisions which occur years after decisions are bing made --
automation is a key piece of that -- there's no way you could do that tktktk again i think Moore's law is endemic to that -- you can do things that wee tktktk in a linear process (that you couldn't do that before).
deep design development work,, early, and tktk.
The other fator is the move from algebra to calculus -- there's hints of a change from a static architecoture to one that's dymanic and endemic to the calculus of variations.
So this is exciting -- we've caught up 2000 years in architectural mathematics in the last 10. changed from static to dynamic variable systems -- and again I think Moore's law is the catalyst to that.
Small developments in digital media could become catalyst for the tktktk for profound changesin ceonomics of produc tion and tktk of form.we started a company to pursue that change....
at the time, i think for many uears after, the change was something of a curiorisity if you were pursuign designs like airplanes or fish, but for the broad industry tktktk, was seen as tktktk,
a lot of change in last 10 years, i think many precitions -- 10 year point of demarcation to consider t that despite and maybe beauty of tktktk and economic turmoil, it reall has been a remarkab le decade of progress. A lot of amazing, profound changes happened, clearly because of technolgoy, but because for other things as well.
Maybe we're livign in a unique era -- but it's been a fascinating and maybe it's just the beginninf of the pace of things to come.
So what happened?
to boil it down into simple economic argujemts....Moore's law.computing is acceleratinbg explonentially and the number of bits, tktkt, cost is dropping t,t,, economics
What might happen in this: cost of oding things through digital means has tktktk information, automcation and manual procion.
happened a lot earlier in manufacturing -- but really the inflectionm point was around 07, we were involved with -- SOM's work at the WTC -- that the moment in time broadly impact this industry.
you might think so in the 6 years, tktktk at 10 years, computing power htat grown 100 times over last 10 years and the cost of a bit has dropped a 100 fold. That's 6 orders of magnitude since 1963 - even look at digital driven projects -- (barcelona fish?) there's been a 10k fold improveemtn in efficiekcneis of technologies at that time.
There's certain elegance when tktktk. when bits were more expensive....that the other aspect is one of the bigt movments in the industrry is ingegrated practice.
Integrated practice
The term Integrated project delivery has been taken over by a parcitul set of contractural suppositions about how parties work toetehr. But that basic notion of people starting to working toegher in different ways, with technology in a free form tktk, as a catalyst for that i think is really fundamental to everything we've seen.
A lot of GT is really about these connections -- from architect to builder to fabricato—people who make stuff and know how it all fits together --
cutting across all the latency int he middle of this sort of paper chase -- has really been one of the hallmarks of one of thetktkt that we've tried to do.
might call it inverting the process -- we take decisions that happened years after tktk, so that the impacts of decisions which occur years after decisions are bing made --
automation is a key piece of that -- there's no way you could do that tktktk again i think Moore's law is endemic to that -- you can do things that wee tktktk in a linear process (that you couldn't do that before).
deep design development work,, early, and tktk.
The other fator is the move from algebra to calculus -- there's hints of a change from a static architecoture to one that's dymanic and endemic to the calculus of variations.
So this is exciting -- we've caught up 2000 years in architectural mathematics in the last 10. changed from static to dynamic variable systems -- and again I think Moore's law is the catalyst to that.