Seeking Region's Top Starts, Owner of the Year
Once again, we're scouring the tristate region for two important items that will be showcased in an upcoming issue of ENR New York: Top Starts and Owner of the Year. Here's how you can help.
For Top Starts:
If you know of a project with a contract value of at least $100 million that started up last year, please let us know ASAP. Projects must be located in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut and they must have begun substantial construction in the 2013 calendar year.
For Owner of the Year:
We're looking for nominations from industry. Which owner would make your own personal list? To qualify, an owner needs to have at least one major project that broke ground last year
The top-25 projects will be listed in the March 24-31 issue, along with the region's owner of the year.
For owner and/or project nominations, please e-mail us your choice at ENR.NY@MHFI.COM no later than next Monday, Jan. 27. For projects, please include the project name and location, contract size and date of ground breaking along with your name and contact information.
To view last year's Top Starts and Owner of the Year, refer to our March 11, 2013 issue or click on the following links:
Top Starts
Owner of the Year
While we've already begun our research into which firms would be good candidates for both of these items, we hope to hear from you too.