
Top CDOT Projects of 2009-2010

May 1, 2010
Top CDOT Projects of 2009-2010

1. Interstate 25 at State Highway 16

Start: March 2008 Finish: Summer 2010
Contractor: SEMA Construction Inc. (phase one); Hamon Contractors Inc. (phase two)
Cost: $44.6 million (both phases)

Phase one consisted of the construction of new bridges over I-25, Fountain Creek and Crews Gulch, as well as some ramps, including a new direct ramp connection from southbound I-25 into Fort Carson in Colorado Springs.

Phase two widens S.H. 16 to four lanes between Fort Carson and Syracuse Street, constructs a new bridge over U.S. 85 and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad and the Union Pacific Railroad, constructs an auxiliary lane on U.S. 85, makes safety improvements on the ramps at U.S. 85 and relocates the frontage roads.

2. U.S. 285 between Kipling Parkway and Federal Boulevard

Start: Jan. 2010 Finish: June 2011
Contractor: Concrete Express Inc.
Cost: $40.1 million

Reconstructs U.S. 285 between Kipling Parkway and Federal Boulevard and replaces three structurally deficient bridges: U.S. 285 over Wadsworth Boulevard, U.S. 285 over Pierce Street and U.S. 285 over Federal Boulevard. This is a design-build project in which the design started in July 2009 and construction began in January 2010.

3. Parker Road at Arapahoe Road

Start: May 2010 Finish: Dec. 2011
Contractor: TBD
Cost: $30 million

Constructs a grade-separated interchange and the corresponding ramps and improves drainage. When complete, Parker Road will run over Arapahoe Road and the traffic signal will be removed for free-flowing traffic at the interchange.

4. Interstate 225 between 2nd and Mississippi avenues

Start: May 2010 Finish: Aug. 2011
Contractor: TBD
Cost: $33 million

Widens I-225 between 2nd and Mississippi avenues to accommodate three lanes in each direction with an additional auxiliary lane. In addition, I-225 from north of Colfax Avenue to 2nd Avenue will be re-striped to also accommodate three lanes in each direction and an additional auxiliary lane.

5. C-470 between Santa Fe Drive and I-25,

C-470 Bike Trail between I-25 and I-70
Start: July 2009 Finish: Sept. 2010
Contractor: Castle Rock Construction Co.
Cost: $32 million (ARRA-funded project)

Repairs nine miles of C-470 and then paves the entire length in asphalt. Concrete repairs will also be made along 26 miles of the C-470 bike path between I-25 and I-70.

6. Alameda Avenue over I-25

Start: May 2010 Finish: March 2012
Contractor: Jalisco International Inc.
Cost: $23.7 million (ARRA-funded project)

Replaces the Alameda bridge over I-25 with one that is wider to accommodate an additional lane in each direction, reconstructs I-25 under Alameda Avenue in concrete and improves drainage.

7. 120th Avenue over U.S. 36

Start: Sept. 2009 Finish: Oct. 2010
Contractor: Edward Kraemer & Sons Inc.
Cost: $23.3 million

This is the first phase of a three-phase project that will that will construct a new six-lane road across U.S. 36 to connect 120th Avenue and S.H. 128. This phase begins construction of the new roadway and will construct a bridge over 120th Avenue and one over Commerce Street.

In addition, several local roads such as Commerce Street, Old Wadsworth Boulevard and 118th Avenue will be realigned to correspond with the construction of the new roadway. The RTD park–n-Ride facility at Wadsworth Parkway will also be relocated near the Broomfield Event Center.

8. C-470/U.S. 85 Interchange

Start: June 2010 Finish: Jan. 2012
Contractor: Edward Kraemer and Sons Inc.
Cost: $17.2 Million (ARRA-funded project)

Constructs a flyover ramp from southbound Santa Fe Drive to eastbound C-470 to improve safety and mobility.

9. Interstate 76

Between approx. Ovid and the Nebraska state line
Start: Sept. 2009 Finish: Sept. 2010
Contractor: Interstate Highway Construction
Cost: $15.8 million (ARRA-funded project)

Repairs 11 miles of deteriorating concrete on eastbound I-76, reconstructs the Julesburg interchange to make the acceleration and deceleration lanes longer and replaces the right of way fence along I-76 between Sedgwick and the Nebraska state line.

10. U.S. 287

South of Springfield
Start: Oct. 2009 Finish: Sept. 2010
Contractor: Lawson Construction Co.
Cost: $13.9 million (ARRA-funded project)

Reconstructs U.S. 287 in concrete and improves drainage and shoulder embankments. The U.S. 40/U.S. 287 corridor between Campo and Hugo is one of Colorado’s 28 high-priority strategic projects.

11. U.S. 40/U.S. 287

Start: July 2009 Finish: Nov. 2010
Contractor: Castle Rock Construction Co.
Cost: $12.5 million (ARRA-funded project)

The project will reconstruct 8.7 miles of U.S. 40/U.S. 287 in concrete. The U.S. 40/U.S. 287 corridor between Campo and Hugo is one of Colorado’s 28 high priority strategic projects.

12. 80th Avenue over U.S. 36

Start: May 2010 Finish: May 2011
Contractor: TBD
Cost: $12 million

Replaces the 80th Avenue bridge over U.S. 36, which is one of 14 structurally deficient bridges on the U.S. 36 corridor. By replacing the bridge, CDOT can make incremental improvements to the corridor in anticipation of the greater improvements that may be implemented as a result of the U.S. 36 EIS.

13. S.H. 92

Between Austin and Hotchkiss
Start: July 2009 Finish: June 2010
Contractor: Tezak Heavy Equipment
Cost: $11.9 million (ARRA-funded project)

Reconstructs five miles of S.H. 92 in asphalt, improves intersections to accommodate turn lanes and improves sight distance and also adds passing lanes and shoulders to improve recreational bicycling.

14. I-25 between Harmony Road and Mountain Vista Drive

Fort Collins
Start: April 2010 Finish: Dec. 2010
Contractor: Coulson Excavating Co. Inc.
Cost: $10.4 Million

Rubbilizes approximately six miles of I-25 in order to repair the concrete and then paves I-25 in asphalt. A median cable guardrail will also be installed along this stretch of I-25 to help prevent crossover accidents.

15. I-70 Business Route

Grand Junction
Start: July 2010 Finish: Dec. 2010
Contractor: TBD
Estimated Budget: $10 million (funded in part by FASTER)

Reconstructs a portion of the business route to increase capacity, improve safety and mobility and enhance pedestrian and bicycle mobility by connecting with the city of Grand Junction’s extensive trail system.

15. I-70 Business Route

Grand Junction
Start: July 2010 Finish: Dec. 2010
Contractor: TBD
Estimated Budget: $10 million (funded in part by FASTER)

Reconstructs a portion of the business route to increase capacity, improve safety and mobility and enhance pedestrian and bicycle mobility by connecting with the city of Grand Junction’s extensive trail system.

16. S.H. 9 between Valley Brook and Coyne Valley

Start: June 2009 Finish: Aug. 2010
Contractor: Zak Dirt Inc.
Cost: $9.2 million (ARRA-funded project)

Reconstructs and widens approximately one mile of S.H. 9 from two to four lanes and constructs a new pedestrian bridge and retaining wall. Two intersections will also be reconstructed and drainage will be improved.

17. I-76, bridges over State Highway 224 and the Union Pacific Railroad

Adams County
Start: July 2009 Finish: July 2010
Contractor: SEMA Construction Co.
Cost: $8 million (ARRA-funded project)

Replaces four structurally deficient bridges on I-76 with two bridges, one over S.H. 224 and one over the Union Pacific Railroad. Crash walls will also be constructed for the I-76 structure over the Union Pacific Railroad as well as the S.H. 224 structure over the Union Pacific Railroad. The crash walls protect the bridge supports in case of a train derailment and are needed for the future North Metro FasTracks line.

18. U.S. 285 at Shaffers Crossing

Jefferson County
Start: Sept. 2009 Finish: Dec. 2010
Contractor: Hudick Excavating Inc.
Cost: $7.4 million (ARRA-funded project)

Constructs a grade-separated interchange at Elk Creek Road, new frontage roads and a wildlife-crossing underpass. When complete, Elk Creek Road will run under U.S. 285.

19. U.S. 85 between Titan Road and Cook Ranch

Douglas County
Start: Sept. 2009 Finish: July 2010
Contractor: Lawson Construction Co.
Cost: $6.7 million (ARRA-funded project)

Widens one mile of U.S. 85 to two lanes in each directions with shoulders and a raised median with controlled access. The existing roadway is only one lane in each direction with no shoulders.

20. I-70 Interchange

At Edwards, Exit 163
Start: March 2010 Finish: Nov. 2010
Contractor: American Civil Constructors Inc.
Cost: $6.4 million (ARRA-funded project)

Improves safety and mobility by constructing four two-lane roundabouts and upgrades a bike/pedestrian path and drainage.