
Top IDOT & MDOT Projects of 2009-10

May 1, 2010
Top IDOT & MDOT Projects of 2009-10

1. Sand Creek Byway

Sandpoint, Idaho
Start: Oct 2008 Finish: Summer 2012
Contractor: Parsons
Contract: $98 million

The byway is 2.1 miles of new alignment connecting U.S. 95 from the northernmost end of the Long Bridge directly to Idaho 200 and U.S. 95 north of Sandpoint. The project includes six bridges and 24 retaining walls. Also included is a state-of-the-art pedestrian and bike pathway. It is the largest single highway project contract ever let in Idaho.

2. Evaro - McClure

Evaro, Mont.
Start: Fall 2008 Finish: Summer 2010
Contractor: M.A. DeAtley Inc.
Cost: $28.9 million

This reconstruction project includes grading, gravel, plant mix overlay, highway re-alignment, frontage roads, intersection improvements, passing lanes, a Montana Rail Link overcrossing bridge replacement, multiple wildlife migration enhancements, signing and electrical work in Missoula County, almost entirely within the Flathead Indian Reservation.

3. I-84, Cole Interchange to Broadway

Interchange Freeway Widening
Start: Sept. 2009 Finish: Summer 2011
Contractor: Concrete Placing Co.
Cost: $35.8 million

This 22-month project rebuilds and widens 3.5 miles of Interstate 84 to four lanes in each direction from the Cole Interchange to the Broadway Interchange, adding two new lanes each way. Widening will occur in the median area of the existing roadway and will include a permanent median barrier separating traffic to improve safety.

4. Billings – Airport Road

Start: Fall 2008 Finish: Summer 2010
Contractor: Riverside Contracting
Cost: $24.1 million

This project reconstructs portions of North 27th Street and State Urban Route 1014, construction of a roundabout near Logan International Airport, Alkali Creek Intersection, new roadway, a concrete prestressed girder structure at Alkali Creek Intersection and adjacent roadway work throughout the project.

5. I-84, Ten Mile Interchange

Meridian, Idaho
Start: July 2008 Finish: Summer 2011
Contractor: Staker & Parsons dba Idaho Sand & Gravel
Cost: $33.8 million

This project will construct a full single-point urban interchange at Ten Mile Road to replace the bridge built in 1964. It will relieve congestion at the Meridian Interchange and provide local access to the growing area west of Meridian Road. The finished product will also have bike paths, pedestrian crossings and sidewalks. Farming access will be maintained for fields north of the interchange.

6. Bainville East and West

Bainville, Mont.
Start: March 2009 Finish: Summer 2010
Contractor: SK Construction Inc.
Cost: $17.5 million

This project consists of grading, gravel surfacing or alternatively, cement-treated base, plant-mix bituminous surfacing, drainage improvements, three new structures and other required work. The project is located on U.S. 2 and extends to the Montana/North Dakota border.

7. U.S.-2, Dover Bridge replacement

Dover, Idaho
Start: Fall 2009 Finish: Fall 2011
Contractor: Sletten Construction
Contract: $23 million (ARRA-funded project)

The current bridge is a 295-ft trestle built during the 1930s and now the most restrictive bridge on U.S. 2 through Idaho. It will be replaced with a 72-ft-wide steel bridge. The highway will be realigned with improved access into the city of Dover. The project will accommodate future expansion of U.S. 2, west of the existing highway bridge that spans the Union Pacific railroad to Rocky Point Road east of the bridge. A bicycle/pedestrian trail is included in the project.

8. I-15 Stickney Creek to Hardy Creek

Lewis & Clark County, Montana
Start: March 2010 Finish: Spring 2011
Contractor: Schellinger Construction
Cost: $16.6 million

This design-build contract consists of 11 miles of major interstate rehabilitation on Interstate 15 from Stickney Creek to Hardy Creek.

9. U.S. 93 Twin Falls Alternate Route,

Stage II, & Alternate Route Flyover
Twin Falls County, Idaho
Start: Sept. 2009 Finish: Dec. 2010
Contractor: W.W. Clyde & Co.
Cost: $29.3 million (two projects)

Project Description: Stage II will connect with Stage I (completed in 2006) and continue west along Pole Line Road to 2400 East Road, then south to the U.S. 93/U.S. 30 junction. The first stage constructed four- and six-lane sections of the Twin Falls Alternate Route from Blue Lakes Boulevard to Grandview Drive. The flyover will provide a bypass option for traffic traveling past Twin Falls.

When complete, the Twin Falls Alternate Route will be a two-lane, limited-access road. The project includes construction of a four-lane, steel-girder bridge over Rock Creek Canyon. The flyover is a post-tensioned concrete girder bridge and will improve the safety of the Pole Line Road/Alternate Route intersection west of Twin Falls.

10. McClure Road – North of Arlee Couplet

Arlee, Mont.
Start: Oct. 2008 Finish: Summer 2010
Contractor: Schellinger Construction
Cost: $16.1 million

This project consists of the full reconstruction with added capacity—grade, gravel, plant mix bituminous surfacing, Portland cement concrete pavement, storm drain, curb and gutter, electrical, fencing, and outfalls on the McClure Road—north of the Arlee Couplet project located in Lake and Missoula counties. The project is entirely within the Flathead Indian Reservation.

11. Interstate 84, Burley to Declo & Declo to SLIC

Minidoka & Cassia counties, Idaho
Start: April 2010 Finish: Oct. 2010
Contractors: Knife River Corp. and Ralph L.
Wadsworth Construction
Cost: $22.1 million (two projects)

Projects include cold milling of I-84 from milepost 207 to 222. Burley to Declo section reconstructed by CRABS and asphalt pavement overlay and repair of Heyburn overpass structure. Declo to the Salt Lake Interchange/I-86 junction, section is inlay concrete pavement and bridge repair at Southside Canal and Newcomb grade separation

12. Slope Flattening/Widening & Erosion Protection

Gallatin Canyon, Mont.
Start: June 2008 Finish: Summer 2010
Contractor: Copp Construction LLC
Cost: $14.8 million

This project consists of grade, gravel surfacing, plant mix bituminous surfacing, seal and cover, pavement pulverization, blasting, guardrail improvements, electrical improvements, new bridge structures, drainage improvements, riprap, significant traveler awareness efforts and other miscellaneous improvements to Gallatin Canyon section of U.S. 191

13. I-84, Vista Avenue Interchange

Boise, Idaho
Start: July 2009 Finish: Sept. 2010
Contractor: Central Paving Co.
Cost: $17.8 million (ARRA-funded project)

This project will rebuild the Vista Interchange (the bridge was built in 1969) with a single-point urban design, which places a traffic light at the center and allows for protected left turns in each direction. This will add traffic capacity and accommodate future lanes on I-84.

14. Absarokee North and South

Absarokee, Mont.
Start: Nov. 2009 Finish: Fall 2010
Contractor: Riverside Contracting Inc.
Cost: $12.9 million

This project consists of grading, cement treated base, gravel, plant mix surfacing, drainage, fencing, irrigation relocation, structures and other necessary work on the Absarokee - N & S project in Stillwater County.

15. I-84, Orchard Street Interchange

Start: April 2009 Finish: Spring 2010
Contractor: McAlvain Construction Inc.
Cost: $15.1 million

This project will rebuild the Orchard Interchange with a partial diamond interchange design. The existing interchange (the bridge was built in 1969) will be replaced with a new one positioned slightly to the west, with realigned, widened and extended on- and off-ramps. This project also includes improvements to the intersection of Victory Road, Wright Street and Orchard Street. Five lanes of traffic will be maintained across the bridge during the reconstruction.

16. Lewistown West

Fergus County, Mont.
Start: June 2009 Finish: Summer 2010
Contractor: M.K. Weeden Construction Inc.
Cost: $12.5 million

This project consists of the reconstruction—including grading, cement treated base, PMS surfacing, structure removal, culverts, guardrail, fencing and pavement markings—on the Lewistown-West project.

17. I-84, Garrity Blvd. Interchange

Bridge Widening
Nampa, Idaho
Start: Jan. 2009 Finish: June 2011
Contractor: Concrete Placing Co. Inc.
Cost: $15 million

This project will replace the two existing bridges carrying I-84 traffic over Garrity Boulevard with a single, wider bridge to allow for additional lanes on the interstate. Reconstruction of I-84 for about one-half mile on each side of the bridge will be included.

18. 40 km South of Ekalaka South

Ekalaka, Mont.
Start: July 2009 Finish: Summer 2010
Contractor: Foothills Contracting Inc.
Cost: $11.6 million

This project consists of grading, gravel surfacing, plant-mix paving and fencing. The project begins in Carter County approximately 7 miles northwest of Albion and extends north approximately 15.4 miles along Secondary Route 323.

19. Slate Creek Bridge, Idaho 75

Custer County, Idaho
Start: April 2010 Finish: Oct. 2012
Contractor: Wadsworth Brothers Construction
Cost: $4.9 million

Replacement of Idaho 75 bridge over the Salmon River near Slate Creek will include realignment of Idaho 75 and constructing new approaches to the bridge and adjacent campground. The 451-ft bridge will be constructed adjacent to the existing structure.

20. Lonepine North and East

Elmo, Mont.
Start: March 2010 Finish: Summer 2011
Contractor: SK Construction Inc.
Cost: $11.1 million

This project consists of grade, drain, gravel, plant-mix surfacing, seal and cover and structure on the Lonepine - N & E project in Sanders, Lake and Flathead counties. The project is entirely within the Flathead Indian Reservation and located on MT 28 beginning north of Lonepine and extending 10 miles north and east.