
HCC—Hispanic Contractors of Colorado

January 1, 2010
HCC—Hispanic Contractors of Colorado

Current Members: 142 companies

Increased Membership Target for 2009: Under review, based on current economic conditions and impacts in Colorado

Key Issues/Initiatives: HCC has six legislative priorities for 2010.

1. Prompt pay legislation that will enable the contracting community in Colorado to deal with payment, change orders and retainage issues more effectively and economically.

2. The implementation of various small business construction and professional services project pools. This would ensure that Colorado small businesses can compete.

3. In order to meet U.S. workforce demands, HCC supports the creation of comprehensive yet streamlined federal laws on immigration/temporary visa programs.

4. Because Colorado’s small businesses are vital to our state’s economic recovery, small business inclusion programs are essential. HCC is committed to developing these programs for and with private and public business, federal, state and municipal entities.

HCC opposes legislation that would negatively affect the workers’ compensation program.

6. HCC opposes the use of project labor agreements on public/federal projects as they already require Davis Bacon wages, which levels the field for contracts in this area.

Highest Issue on Strategic Plan: Marketing and visibility

2010 President: Maranda Pleau, Governor’s Economic Recovery Team

Economic Priorities: Ensure that women/minority and small businesses are afforded a fair opportunity to benefit from the federal economic recovery funds received by Colorado under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Biggest Concerns: The economy’s impact on small businesses