
ULI Colorado - Colorado District Council of the Urban Land Institute

January 1, 2010
ULI Colorado - Colorado District Council of the Urban Land Institute

Current Members: 1,035

Increased Membership Target for 2010: 1,100

Key Issues/Initiatives: Capital markets, transit-oriented development, workforce housing, mentoring students, Young Leaders, women and minorities, surplus urban school properties, Denver’s New Code, funding FasTracks

Most Important Issue on Strategic Plan: Funding and completion of FasTracks to stimulate transit-oriented development

2010 President: William E. Mosher, area director and principal, Trammell Crow Co.

Economic Priorities: Retaining sponsors and increasing event revenues

Biggest Concerns: Stagnant real estate market affecting project and employment opportunities for members

“The next year could be especially hard for commercial real estate. But there are signs of hope. ULI is here for our members. We are here to advise, influence, refer and educate during these times. Let us know what else we can do to help.”

— William E. Mosher