
Military Construction in San Antonio Hits $738 Million

January 1, 2010

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District and the Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment awarded 35 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) and other military construction contracts worth a total of $738 million during fiscal year 2009.

Spending on military construction in San Antonio typically averages between $65 and $100 million per year. The $738 million total in fiscal year 2009 is in addition to $1.2 billion in contract awards in fiscal year 2008.

The contracts awarded during the past year involve new construction and renovation. One of the larger renovation projects is the effort to remodel historic structures on Fort Sam Houston as office space to accommodate the realignment of the Army’s Installation Management Command from the Washington, D.C. area. More than 2,000 positions are associated with the move.


In fiscal year 2010, 24 projects valued at more than $300 million are scheduled to be awarded in San Antonio.
