Silicone Sealants
Standard and Custom Colors
Manufacturer introduces a new line of high-performance silicone sealants to complement its already existing full line of polyurethane construction sealants. The new line consists of SikaSil-C 990 and SikaSil-C 995. Both products are available in six standard colors as well as custom colors for those applications that are color critical. SikaSil-C 990 is a one-component silicone sealant with plus-100%, minus-50% movement capability and is targeted for exterior insulating finish system facade joints and other weatherseal applications.
Sika Corp.; 201/933-8800; 
Vulkem 250 GC
Cures In Four Hours
This one-part, cold fluid-applied elastomeric waterproofing membrane, Vulkem 250 GC, can be applied to green or damp concrete in a single lift up to 120 mils and cures in up to four hours. It comes in five-gallon pails and 55-gallon drums and is suitable for waterproofing foundation walls, landscaped areas, planter boxes and tunnels, as well as between slabs on plaza and parking decks.
Tremco Inc.; 216/766-05679; 
Greenguard Products Line
Housewrap and Sheathing
RainDrop housewrap features water drainage channels that move bulk water down to the base of the exterior wall. It comes in 9-ft x 100-ft and 9-ft x 150-ft rolls and can be used with most common exterior finishes. Also, Plygood, an ultra-rigid foam-board sheathing, has an extruded polystyrene foam core and reinforcing woven facer. It offers increased thermal and moisture performance compared to OSB when used in non-structural wall applications.
Pactiv Corp.; 800/241-4402; 
Vapor Barrier
Reduces Moisture Vapor Emissions
Reduces Moisture Vapor Emissions
Aquafin Vaportight Coat is an epoxy-based applied vapor barrier used to reduce moisture vapor emissions of up to 25 lb. This helps to eliminate problems such as delamination and bubbling and allows safe installation of adhesives and floor coverings. Vaportight Coat is compatible with most systems and a variety of adhesives, the manufacturer says. It is available in two formulations: SG-1 for light-duty applications up to 10 lb of vapor pressure and SG-2 for vapor pressures of up to 25 lb. SG-2 also prevents capillary infiltration of oil and other chemicals and can be used to treat oil-contaminated slabs. In addition, it can be applied to old concrete, allowing fast-track applications of flooring systems.
Aquafin Inc.; 410/964-1410; 
Foam Insulation
With Mortar Control
Weep Guard, an extruded polystyrene insulation system, is the first product to combine rigid foam insulation with a mortar control device, the maker says. Not only does the product have features that help alleviate moisture issues, but it also helps masonry professionals increase their efficiency by eliminating the labor involved in installing two separate products.
Owens Corning; 800/438-7465; 
Waterproofing Membrane
Fights Mold
This waterproofing membrane for the ceramic tile and stone industry is now equipped with Microban antimicrobial protection to inhibit the growth of stain-causing mold and mildew. Laticrete 9235 is a thin, self-curing, liquid-applied, fabric-reinforced membrane that addresses damaging water leakage and protects underlying components and space. It also provides crack-suppression assurance, reducing the transition of cracks to the finished tile or stone. It can be used in commercial floors, pools, spas, shower pans and fountains.
Laticrete International Inc.; 800/359-3297;

Wall Sheathing
Glass Mat Technology
DensGlass Silver is a residential exterior-wall sheathing product that is highly resistant to moisture and mold. The product was engineered using proven DensGuard glass-mat technology, which features glass mats on the front and back of a moisture-resistant core. DensGlass Silver is 7�16 in. thick and available in standard 4-ft x 8-ft size.
Georgia-Pacific Corp.; 800/225-6119;

Vapor Mat
Stops Moisture Penetration
Perminator Underslab Vapor-Mat offers the vapor barrier industry an effective, economical choice for helping to reduce the penetration of moisture and water vapor through the slab into the structure. It will not crack, puncture, snag, split or tear easily, says the company. Perminator helps meet and maintain the maximum slab moisture transfer rate of 3 lb per 1000 sq ft per 24 hours allowed by flooring industry specifications. It is available in 12 ft wide and 15 ft wide rolls and requires fewer seams in applications. W.R.
Meadows Inc.; 847/214-2100; 
Drainage Systems
Continuous Path for Water Discharge
A line of waterproofing products for the building industry, called CCW MiraDRAIN, consists of models for above- and below-grade applications. The complete line of drainage systems is comprised of versatile products that can protect vital underground areas such as foundation walls, planters, trench drains, retaining walls, shoring/lagging and more. The product allows water to pass freely into the drainage core, where it is fed into the CCW QuickDRAIN drainage collection system.
Carlisle Coatings and Waterproofing Inc.; 800/527-7092; 
Ice and Water Shield
Manufacturer introduces two products that focus on the Green Building Program. The ice- and water-shield premium roofing underlayment is a self-adhered waterproof membrane placed between the shingles and roof deck. It provides residential and commercial roofs protection against roof leaks caused by ice dams and wind-driven rain. Also, Vycor Plus, a high-performance self-adhered flashing membrane, provides premium protection against water infiltration in all critical non-roof detail areas, such as window and door openings, deck-to-wall intersections and more.
Grace Construction Products; 866/333-3726;