Kohler LPG Engine
The new Ranger 250 LPG, an engine-driven welder/generator, is intended for environments where gasoline and diesel emissions are unacceptable. The unit is powered by low emission liquid propane gas and delivers 250 amps for welding at 100% duty cycle and 9,000 peak (8,000 continuous) watts of 120V/240 AC generator power. One of three new features is an enhanced downhill pipe welding mode for fast travel speeds. Lincoln Electric Co.; 888/355-3213; www.lincolnelectric.com

New Concept for Compaction
Manufacturer introduces the new GW750 vibratory rubber-tired roller for tender mix Superpave applications, stiff HMA mixes and SMA. It develops a new gyratory action that combines the field-proven kneading action of a pneumatic tired roller with high forces generated by a vibratory. The roller develops an equivalent of up to 55,000 lb of compaction effort in a fast-moving, 20,500-lb package.
Sakai America; 800/323-0535; www.sakaiamerica.com
Joint Rejuvenator
Opens Clogged Grease Joints and Fittings
Designed for a wide range of applications, from construction and farm equipment to oil/well drilling and home use, these tools help solve the problem of stubborn or clogged grease joints and fittings. By using the rejuvenator, the user can force a light oil into the joint, loosening up the old, hard grease and allowing the new grease to be pushed in. Model #007862 is available in a wooden box with a 5-in. flex hose for attaching to angle fittings. Model #007864 is pocket size and comes in a hanging card.
Innovative Products of America; 888/786-7899; www.ipatools.com 

Ground Protection Mats
Five Sizes
These ground protection mats are designed to help eliminate costly ground restoration costs. They are made of 1�2-in.-thick polyethylene and can withstand 60-ton loads, according to the manufacturer. AlturnaMats are suitable for applications such as golf courses, landscaping, utilities, drilling, manufactured housing and more. They can also be used for irrigation, trenching and any area where heavy vehicles can damage the landscape. New Turn-a-Links lock the mats together, creating a continuous roadway or a large working platform. The mats are available in five sizes ranging from 4 ft x 8 ft to 2 ft x 4 ft. Each has a double-sided diamond plate design for maximum traction. One smooth side also is available.
AlturnaMats; 888/544-6287; www.alturnamats.com
Portable Space Heater
500,000 BTU
Safe-Heat SH-500 is a portable, direct-fired propane and natural gas heater that can be used by workers in the construction industry. The unit provides up to 500,000 Btu per hour, all while operating on a standard 115 v. Safety features include the maker’s patent-pending 100% stainless steel burner with exclusive inner-lined heat shield that maintains a cool outer shell and a red indicator light located near the on/off switch to warn of potential problems.
Topp Portable Air; 800/892-8677; www.etopp.com