
Welder generator: Extra Power for Big Pipes and more new products

April 9, 2008
Welder Generator: Extra Power for Big Pipes
Welder generator: Extra Power for Big Pipes
The Pro 300 Welder Generator is intended for various pipe-welding applications. It features a single-circuit board that is fully sealed to withstand harsh environments. An optional 24-hp, four-cylinder Deutz engine is available for welding with larger diameter electrodes and gouging carbon up to 1⁄4 in. in diameter. The Pro 300 has an automatic low-fuel engine-shutdown function that helps operators avoid a potentially long repriming process during restarting.
Miller Electric Mfg. Co.; 920-734-9821; www.millerwelds.com
Paper Tape Nails: No More Flying Plastic Bits
Paper Tape Nails: No More Flying Plastic Bits
The 20° Round Head Paper Tape Collated Nails are designed to work with standard round-head framing nailers. The paper strip has a built in collated stiffness to resist corrugation or collapse and shears easily during use to reduce jams. Unlike plastic strips, there are no bits of plastic discharged during use. Available in in smooth and ring shank with 23⁄8 -in. to 31⁄4-in. lengths and .113-to .148-shank dia. Duo-Fast Construction;
888-631-2020; www.duo-fastconstruction.com

Cutting Down on Dust: Sanders Suck It Up
Cutting down on dust: Sanders Suck It Up
The 3M Finishing System is a line of orbital sanders and related products intended to reduce dust levels. The abrasive pads of the 3M Finishing System have a multihole pattern that the manufacturer claims is more effective at containing dust than the traditional five- or six-hole design. The Finishing System’s filter bags contain electrostatically charged Filtrete fibers that draw dust particles into the bag’s weblike material. These orbital sanders can be used on wood, metal, automotive paint and composite surfaces. 3M; 888-364-3577; www.3m.com
Detecting Gas: Avoiding Explosions
Detecting Gas: Avoiding Explosions
The Micro CG-100 Combustible Gas Sniffer is able to detect low levels of methane, propane, butane, ammonia and many other combustible gases. It has three warning modes: visible alert, audible alarm or silent vibration for noisy environments. It can be set to low or high sensitivity, with a range of 40 ppm to 6,400 ppm. The 16-in. probe has an LED light at the end for inspection and can be secured with a built-in clip. The Sniffer has a battery life of over 20 hours. RIDGID; 800-769-7743; www.ridgid.com
Robotic Tracking Sensor: Accurate
Robotic Tracking Sensor: Accurate

The Redline GNSS positioning system is intended for the complete surveying of a construction site. The PowerTracker unit (left) is a highly accurate robotic tracking sensor designed to be user-friendly with its simple button interface. The Level & Go feature of the PowerTracker allows for quick setup before positioning. The unit is lightweight, and its rugged casing resists damage. The surveying device is used in conjunction with the PowerBox unit, which is able to serve as a vehicle-mounted rover system or as a full-featured reference base station. Leica Geosystems; 770-326-9500; www.leica-geosystems.com