Photo courtesy of RTD
Mountain States On the Scene

Federal, state and local officials joined Denver’s Regional Transportation District on May 10 to break ground on RTD’s new Southeast Rail Extension. The project adds 2.3 miles to the existing 19-mile Southeast Rail Line, which parallels I-25. The line will be extended from Lincoln Avenue to RidgeGate Parkway in Douglas County, south of Denver. Transit officials estimate that the $233.1-million project will create more than 300 jobs through 2019. It will also add three bridges and three new light rail stations to the Southeast line. Participants in the groundbreaking included (from left): Tony Loui, FTA; RTD Director Gary Lasater; Linda Gehrke, FTA regional administrator, Region 8; Roger Partridge, Douglas County commissioner; Jim Gunning, former mayor, city of Lonetree; Keith Simon, Coventry Development Corp.; Dave Genova, RTD general manager and CEO; Roger Wilson, vice president of operations, Balfour Beatty Infrastructure Inc.; and Andy Mutz, project manager, RTD.
The American Council of Engineering Cos. of Colorado presented its annual recognition awards in April. The awards honor individuals for their contributions to the engineering profession, advancement of the industry and contributions to the community. Lauren Evans, president of Pinyon Environmental, received the Orley O. Phillips Award. Evans has held several ACEC Colorado leadership positions, including president and national director. Robert Felsburg, retired from Felsburg Holt & Ullevig, and David Merritt, AECOM Technical Services, both were honored with the George Washington Award, which recognizes individuals who give their time and talents to advance the public image of consulting engineering. Mary Andre, a principal and project manager at Civil Design Consultants, was recognized as the 2016 Outstanding Colorado Woman in Engineering. Pictured at left, award recipients Merritt (left) and Felsburg are congratulated by 2015 ACEC Colorado President Marvinetta Hartwig.
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