ENR Northwest Pulse

Northwest Pulse: Construction bids for June 2018

June 5, 2018


Washington 6/22

The Chelan County Public Utility District is seeking bids on the Rock Island Powerhouse 2 Generating Unit Rehabilitation project. The $170-million hydroelectric project includes the rehabilitation of eight horizontal bulb turbine generators. The generators are encased in watertight steel shells and were first installed in 1974-1979. Chelan County PUD No. 1, John T. Sagerser, Project Manager, 327 N. Wenatchee Ave., P.O. Box 1231, Wenatchee, 98801-2011. DR#18-00641708.

Washington 6/29

The Battelle Memorial Institute Pacific Northwest Division is seeking bids to build a new Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The building is a Dept. of Energy facility for research in chemistry and material science. The $64-million, 119,500-sq-ft project includes 154 offices and 40 laboratory modules for wet chemistry, computation and instruments. The project also includes a heat transfer building to safely direct waste computational heat. Battelle Memorial Institute Pacific NW Division, 902 Battelle Blvd., No. MSJ-205, Richland, 99354-1793. DR#17-00524699.

Washington 8/8

The Washington State Dept. of Transportation is seeking bids for the State Route 520 bridge replacement (Montlake phase). The $375-million to $425-million design-build project will construct a new West Approach Bridge, providing a final connection with the south half of the new floating bridge with the western Lake Washington shoreline. The project will also replace the existing Montlake Boulevard/SR 513 undercrossing with a new lid structure. Washington State Dept. of Transportation, P.O. Box 47360, 310 Maple Park Ave., Olympia,  98504-7360. DR#17-00524973.

Much information for Pulse is derived from Dodge Data & Analytics, the premier project information source in the construction industry. For more information on a project with a Dodge Report number or for information on Dodge products and services, call 1-800-393-6343 or visit www.dodgeleadcenter.com. To see an updated list of projects bidding in Oregon, Alaska and Washington, visit enr.com/northwest.