
An aerial shot of the Tiger AO4 Project in Geismar, La.

Photo courtesy of Turner Industries

Honoring ENR Texas & Louisiana's Best in Safety

August 10, 2018

After weeks of deliberation, a team of independent industry judges have selected ENR Texas & Louisiana's Excellence in Safety Award winners. This year our judges have recognized eight projects for their outstanding safety records and job-site procedures.

Our safety judges reviewed more than 60 entries, considering many factors in their decisions, including a project’s overall safety program, OSHA recordable incident rate, lost time accident rate as well as total man hours on the job.

ENR Texas & Louisiana’s 2018 Excellence in Safety Award goes to the Tiger AO4 Project, submitted by Turner Industries.

Another seven projects were also selected to receive Excellence in Safety Awards of Merit.

ENR Texas & Louisiana will feature more about these projects, along with our other Best Projects winners in the October 15 print edition. Our safety winners will also be recognized at the Texas & Louisiana Best Projects Luncheon on Oct. 18 in Houston.

Congratulations to this year’s safety winners, listed below!


Excellence in Safety, Best Project

Tiger AO4 Project

Submitted by Turner Industries Group LLC


Excellence in Safety, Award of Merit

Avery Alexander Elementary School

Submitted by CORE Construction


Excellence in Safety, Award of Merit

BHP Houston Campus

Submitted by Gensler


Excellence in Safety, Award of Merit

BNSF Alliance IMF Expansion Phase II

Submitted by SEMA Construction Inc.


Excellence in Safety, Award of Merit

Dallas Police Headquarters Security Upgrades

Submitted by Turner Construction Co.


Excellence in Safety, Award of Merit

Klein Cain High School

Submitted by Satterfield & Pontikes Construction


Excellence in Safety, Award of Merit

Lonza Houston, Inc. Cell and Viral Gene Therapy Manufacturing Facility

Submitted by CRB


Excellence in Safety, Award of Merit

Southside High School

Submitted by The Lemoine Co.