Genoa Bridge render

Rendering Courtesy of Renzo Piano Building Workshop

Fast-track Contract Set for Replacement of Genoa Viaduct Where 43 Died in Collapse

December 18, 2018
Genoa Bridge render

Italy’s largest contractor Salini Impregilo S.p.A. and state-controlled shipbuilding giant Fincantieri Infrastructure have won a contract to rebuild the collapsed Polcevera Viaduct in Genoa.

After demolition of the old structure, the joint venture will follow a one-year schedule to complete the 1.1-kilometer-long, 20-span new structure with a continuous steelwork deck on concrete piers, designed by locally born architect Renzo Piano.

Fincantieri will fabricate the steelwork deck at various shipyards in modules to be welded into span lengths on site and raised by strand jacks into position on pre-built piers. Fincantieri CEO Giuseppe Bono promises “a beautiful, functional and lasting public work within the expected timeframe.”

The original 51-year-old concrete, cable-stayed structure collapsed without warning on August 14, 2018, causing over 40 deaths. Investigations into the collapse are ongoing.