City Scoop: Savannah, Ga.

Savannah construction activity to remain steady in 2019 and then rise 8% in 2020

Dodge Data & Analytics expects the value of non-residential and nonbuilding contracts to climb next year.

Southeast City Scoop: Savannah Construction Starts

August 26, 2019

City Grill

Ryan PriceRyan Price
VP, Savannah Division Manager
JE Dunn Construction Group

While Savannah’s contracting figures from Dodge Data & Analytics paint a picture of a steady market, Price is more enthusiastic. “The pace of growth is very strong and possibly the strongest in the history of Savannah,” he says. For example, he notes, “The local school system continues funding new K-12 construction, and private development continues in large multifamily apartments, hospitality, warehousing and industrial manufacturing.” The higher-education sector and public projects also are adding to the mix, he adds.

Firm in Focus

JE Dunn Construction
24 Drayton St., Savannah, Ga.
East Region President: Dan Kaufman
Regional Employees: 657
Founded: 1924
Current Work: JE Dunn’s current projects include a $55-million high school for the Savannah school system and the $46-million Center for Engineering and Applied Research at Georgia Southern.