Georgia Power

In February, Georgia Power reported that workers at the Vogtle 3 and 4 project completed the final concrete placement inside the Unit 3 containment vessel, which houses the unit’s reactor.


Crews Place Final Concrete for Vogtle Unit 3 Containment Vessel

March 3, 2020
Georgia Power

In February, Georgia Power reported that workers at the Vogtle 3 and 4 project completed the final concrete placement inside the Unit 3 containment vessel, which houses the unit’s reactor. Completion of this work allows for the installation of machinery that will be used to load fuel into the unit, the company stated. In all, project workers have placed a total of 11,700 cu yd of concrete inside the Unit 3 containment vessel since construction began. At the same time, Georgia Power noted that the final concrete placement for Unit 4’s operating deck had been completed, “marking the last substantial placement ahead of the containment vessel top lift in the coming months.” Since the beginning of the project, the amount of concrete placed for the new units exceeds 680,000 cu yd. Last November, Georgia state construction monitors Steven Roetger and William Jacobs reported that the Bechtel-led project team was continuing to fall behind schedule. Through September 2019, the monitors reported that, overall, the total project was 81.3% complete, approximately 1% behind the contractor’s planned completion.