ENR CA & NW Names OHL Region's Top Contractor
ENR California & Northwest is pleased to announce that ENR editors selected OHL USA Inc. as the region’s 2021 Contractor of the Year.
Despite the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, OHL reported a 2020 California revenue gain of over 70% year-over-year, thanks in part to two Caltrans projects. The first Caltrans contract is for 15 miles of new concrete median barrier along US 101, a major commuter corridor in Los Angeles County, and one of the busiest highways in the United States. The second contract focuses on the replacement of concrete pavement on truck lanes to keep traffic moving safely on Interstate 15, which runs north and south in San Bernardino County.
OHL’s other major projects in 2020 included the Patsaouras Busway Plaza Station, a I-405 Improvement Project in Orange County and the Argo Drain Sub-Basin Water Infiltration facility.
Based in College Point, New York, OHL opened its Irvine, Calif., office in 2013 and tackles heavy civil projects, including highway, rail and transit, marine, tunneling and hydraulic work.
Find out more about OHL and ENR’s Regional Top Contracts survey in our July 19 print edition. Congratulations, OHL!