As the centerpiece of the green redevelopment of an industrial site in the city of Taiyuan, China, the soaring domes of the Taiyuan Botanical Garden are not only visually distinctive but also are a first for mass-timber construction in China.
Working with 269 piles from a previous contract, the project team built a port that will provide 50 years’ worth of service to Vietnam, enhancing its role in the global supply chain.
This project expands the capacity of a crucial West Africa freight hub in Ghana with four massive container vessel berths, 3,558 meters of breakwater and 1,400 m of wharf.
Egyptian wastewater reclamation facility, just east of the Suez Canal, holds two Guinness world records and can treat more than 2 billion cu m of wastewater annually; completed on time and on budget, it is set to spur development in the Sinai Peninsula.
The team replacing the FM 457 Swing Bridge over the Gulf Intercoastal Waterway faced hurdles ranging from active vessel traffic to erratic weather to limited space for heavy lifts. Daily troubleshooting helped push the $41.2-million, 27-month project forward.
The team replacing the FM 457 Swing Bridge over the Gulf Intercoastal Waterway faced hurdles ranging from active vessel traffic to erratic weather to limited space for heavy lifts. Daily troubleshooting helped push the $41.2-million, 27-month project forward.
The $31-million Hemphill-Lamar Connector in Fort Worth involved building a four-lane, 400-ft-long tunnel under the city’s primary east-west freeway and relocating four active rail lines near one of the country’s busiest rail intersections.
The $16.8-million restoration of historic Weeks Hall at Texas Tech University required the project team to transform a three-story residence hall into a fresh new space on campus where students and faculty could collaborate, study and work.
A collaborative approach that included creating a centralized hub where onsite workers could access the most up-to-date project information helped ensure efficiency among trades on the $9.7-million Delgado Community College Advanced Technology Center.