Metropolis developer split the phased, 4.1-million-sq-ft Los Angeles project into two general contracts to minimize financial risk and meet the fast-tracked schedule
Swinerton project accountant Thea Hem took this iPhone photo, which shows the dramatic scale of the Trinity Venus sculpture by Lawrence Argent in San Francisco.
The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District will accept bids through Aug. 2 for the Earthquake Safety Program Transbay Tube (TBT) Internal Retrofit.
On a project decades in the making, crews will soon begin demolishing a defunct nuclear-reactor caisson in Eureka, Calif., at a site located only a few feet from the Pacific Ocean.
The design team behind the $477-million Golden 1 Center in downtown Sacramento aimed to keep spectators comfortable and reduce energy and water use by using such innovative elements as massive operational glass hangar doors and two independent ventilation systems.
To university engineers, the Stanford Energy System Innovations (SESI) project represents nothing less than a revolution in the way campuses in the U.S. should be heated and cooled.
The adaptive-reuse 100 Van Ness project transformed an outdated 29-story office building into a modern apartment community offering 418 units and many indoor and outdoor amenities in San Francisco’s Mid-Market neighborhood.