Hampton Roads Sanitation District’s Atlantic Treatment Plant, which has a permitted design capacity of 54 million gallons per day, operates as a high-rate activated sludge plant that is able to achieve biological oxygen demand and total suspended solids removal.
The 3,000-seat arena and convocation center includes telescoping and fixed seating, an elevated connection to the adjacent building and parking deck, a plaza with paver systems, landscaping and street upgrades.
The $12.4-million building systems overhaul is the initial phase of the medical center’s plan to convert three existing office and administration floors into patient space for the shock trauma unit.
Great Wolf Lodges may all look similar aesthetically, but building its largest resort proved as complex as hospital construction, the project team says.
Storing approximately 5,500 pieces of art, the museum advocating for and showcasing women in the arts is housed in a 1907 historical building that was converted into the museum in 1983. A wing was added in 1997.
Serving as a model for resilience and sustainability by demonstrating accessible methods to homeowners, developers and small business owners for living and building more sustainably, the structure is designed to “float” during major flooding to ensure operational continuity and demonstrate resiliency.