Built in 1797, the Carmel Mission National Historic Landmark draws thousands of visitors annually, making it essential that the basilica remain open during the preservation period.
The largest solar power generating project of its kind in the world, Ivanpah uses emerging technology to produce electricity through 173,500 heliostats connected to a dual-axis tracking system, allowing the mirrors to move on a pylon 360° for optimal reflection.
On the surface, the $230-million Silver Lake Reservoir Replacement Project in Burbank—which resembles a big concrete warehouse—looks like a simple project.
Despite protests and litigation threats from real estate developers, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted unanimously on Sept. 23 to create a special community tax district—locally known as a Mello-Roos district—for the Transbay Transit Center at 2014 market rates.
As the King Fire, which has burned through 97,000 acres of California's Sierra Nevada mountains, started to threaten electricity and generating stations that provide power to Sacramento, late September rains helped avert a potential public emergency.