The 120,000-sq-ft Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics houses 16 classrooms, a 208-seat auditorium, 28 high-tech breakout rooms, administration space and an executive development suite.
Developer Chris Yule demanded excellence for the conversion of historic Abbot Mill into a 239,000-sq-ft, 131-unit apartment complex, and he was willing to rework the project to achieve it.
Conceived as a "living laboratory" that features research and demonstrations of advanced building energy technologies and processes, the 60,000-sq-ft Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy was built in a century-old mill building in Boston.
To ensure that the 512,000-sq-ft Albert Sherman Center at the University of Massachusetts Medical School on the Worcester campus could accommodate the ever-evolving world of biomedical research, its project scope was regularly altered to meet changing programming needs.