There is still plenty of time to enter th2014 Best Projects competition. The deadline for entering projects from Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska and Hawaii has been extended to July 28, 2014.
Projects must be completed by June 30, 2014 in order to be eligible. An independent panel of judges will then judge the projects using five criteria, including safety, innovation and teamwork. Winners in the Northwest will appear in ENR Northwest’s Dec. 1/8 issue, as well as be featured in a ceremony that will be held in Seattle on Dec. 5. California and Hawaii winners will be featured in ENR California and at two events in California.

Winners will move on to compete in the national Best of the Best Projects awards. In fact, it was a project from the Northwest, Bullitt Center, won top honors in last year's national competition. Several other West Coast projects won major national categories too.

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Bullitt Center