ENR Texas & Louisiana is pleased to announce to our readers that design firm Corgan & Associates, with headquarters in Dallas, has been named our first-ever Design Firm of the Year.
We will feature a profile on the firm, its projects and its people in the upcoming June issue, which also unveils the Top Design Firm rankings and feature based on 2010 revenue.
An editorial committee that includes ENR editors from across the country chose Corgan from a short list of firms. Factors in this designation include revenue information provided for the top-list ranking as well as the firm's growth over the past few years.
As well, major projects that were awarded or completed in 2010 were considered; sustainability initiatives and accomplishments noted; and corporate/community responsibility, diversity and industry awards played a significant role in items the editorial team examines.
Once we had narrowed down our short list to the final two, our selection of Corgan was unanimous.
Corgan & Associates is partnering with HDR as the design team for the high-profile $1.2-billion New Parkland Hospital, a replacement for a 55-year-old facility for Dallas County.
The 73-year-old firm has enjoyed steady revenue over the past several years. Its architectural accomplishments and people have consistently received praise from owners, specialty and general contractors as well as city and civic leaders. The firm works in a variety of building sectors. It has made its mark in education and health care, but also boasts corporate, interior and specialty services.
We want to hear from you: Has your firm or organization worked with Corgan? Do you have a professional opinion of its work? Do you feel strongly one way or the other about our selection?