Sponsor Resources

Here you will find important information as well as marketing opportunities available to exhibitors to help you get the most out of your participation in The ASSEMBLY Show South, Quality Show and Adhesives in Action taking place April 16-17, 2025 at the Music City Center in Nashville, TN.


Your exhibit space fee includes:

  • All drayage/material handling fees included when shipping direct to show site See Shipping
  • 8’ high back drape and 3’ drape
  • Company ID sign for booths 300nsf or less
  • 3 complimentary staff registrations per 100 net square feet (nsf) of paid exhibit space
    (example: 10x10 = 3; 10x20= 6; 20x20 = 12)
  • Free admission to all Networking events, including two receptions
  • FREE publicity & marketing opportunities including:
    • Company Listing in Show Guide, Mobile App and online floor plan
      Incldues Company name, address, phone number, website, booth # and 75-word company description.
    • Customer VIP discount
      A personalized discount code will be provided to each exhibitor to distribute to customers offering FREE registration to attend. The exhibitor with the highest VIP code usage wins 100nsf of free exhibit space or equivalent value in sponsor dollars for 2026 Show!
    • Email Attendees Pre- or Post-Show
      Exhibitors have the opportunity to send one email to registered attendees before or after the Show. Exhibitor creates the HTML. Show sends email on exhibitors' behalf.
    • Use of Show Logos & Marketing Collateral
      The event logos and various online ads are available for unlimited use by exhibitors to help promote participation in the show. Find yours here.
    • Company Press Releases Posted to Event Website
      Share your news with us! Your company press release will be posted to the industry news feed on the  website.
    • Registered Press List & On-Site Press Kits
      Exhibiting companies will have access to the registered press list upon request and have the opportunity to provide press kits in press office on-site.

***Exhibit spaces do NOT come carpeted or furnished and do not include power. All exhibitors are responsible for ordering their own furnishings, equipment, utilities, and labor which are detailed in the Online Exhibitor Service Kit***


MOVE-IN DEADLINE: April 15, 2025 @ 5:00 PM
MOVE-OUT DEADLINE: April 18, 2025 @ 3:00 PM

Move-In/Setup Hours

**Please refer to the Target Floor Plan for your scheduled target move-in date and time.

Saturday, April 12
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Sunday, April 13
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Monday, April 14
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, April 15
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

All booths must be fully set by 5:00pm on April 15, 2025 - no exceptions.

Move-Out/Dismantle Hours

Thursday, April 17
2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
The return of all empty crates and cartons will take approximately 3 hours. Please plan accordingly and do not book early flights as move-out takes time.

Friday, April 18
8:00 AM- 3:00 PM
Your freight driver should check-in no later than 11:00 AM on Friday to ensure materials are removed by deadline.


Tuesday, April 15 - Thursday, April 17, 2025

Tuesday, April 15

10:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Pre-Show Workshops

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Welcome Party

Wednesday, April 16

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Exhibit Hall Open

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Happy Hour on show floor

Thursday, April 17

9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Exhibit Hall Open

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Morning Breakfast Mingle on show floor


The ASSEMBLY Show South, Quality Show and Adhesives in Action follow the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) Guidelines for exhibition displays. Contact show management for any specific questions regarding your booth.

Height Restrictions / Hanging Banners:
Island and Peninsula booths 20’x20’ or larger may hang banners or signage above their booths to a maximum height of 23’ and may not exceed the width of the contracted booth space. All hanging signs, hanging graphics, and hanging banners must be pre-approved by Show Management.

For further information on height restrictions or hanging signs please reference the Exhibitor Service Kit or contact:

The ASSEMBLY Show South:

Katie Abbott, Senior Event Manager
abbottk@bnpmedia.com | 847-815-3946

The Quality Show & Adhesive in Action:

Tracy DiCello, Event Manager
dicellot@bnpmedia.com | 847-815-3732




The online Exhibitor Service Kit, hosted by FreemanOnline, provides important show-related information to prepare for the Show, build your exhibit, order booth services and prepare your team for move-in/out.

Exhibitors will work with Freeman for the following services: booth furnishings & carpet, rental exhibits, booth cleaning, display labor, material handling, and shipping.
Exhibitors will work with Music City Center (venue) for the following: rigging, electrical, compressed air, plumbing, technology, catering and floral.

Access Exhibitor Service Kit

NOTE: You will need to be logged in to your FreemanOnline account to access some portions of the site. If your company has not ordered through Freeman before you will need to create an account.


DISCOUNT DEADLINE = April 14, 2025

Lead retrieval is an essential tool for capturing those great conversations for post-show discussions, qualifying leads, and enhancing long-term marketing.

On every attendee badge is an encoded QR code that serves as their electronic business card. You'll collect full contact information with a quick scan while in your booth or at networking functions.

Why use Fetch Lead Retrieval services?

  • Easy to scan & capture attendee contact + key demographic information.
  • Digital qualifiers & note taking
  • Lead data available in real-time & post event (saved in Cloud for up to 36 months)
  • Onsite technical support included
  • Easily manage your exhibit booth team’s leads


Learn more about Fetch Pricing and How To Order HERE

For questions please contact Fetch directly at 800.443.9343 or email fetch@eventstack.co.


INSURANCE DEADLINE = January 31, 2025

As a standard requirement for all of our show exhibitors, it is necessary for you to carry general liability coverage from an insurance company in good standing. Having insurance will protect your company, employees, and volunteers, should a claim arise against you for something that occurred at your booth..

Proof of Insurance is Mandatory

Your certificate of liability insurance MUST include the following:

  • Minimum policy limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence.
  • Insurance coverage must be in force during event dates: April 12-18, 2025.
  • Certificate Holder: BNP Media (550 W Merrill St., Suite 200, Birmingham, MI 48009, 248-362-3700)
  • Named as additional insured: BNP Media and Music City Center.
If you already have compliant coverage, submit a copy by email to Carly Reimer at reimerc@bnpmedia.com and be sure to include the exhibiting company name and the Show name in your message.

If you do not have coverage, it can easily be secured for only $99 through Rainprotection Insurance, an authorized insurance supplier for the Shows. This program is valuable for:

  • Exhibitors who do not have an existing insurance policy
  • International Exhibitors whose liability insurance will not cover them at a show in the USA
  • Companies who do not have the time to deal with all of the certificate arrangements, and need coverage immediately
  • Exhibitors who find it easier or advantageous to use this program, rather than their corporate insurance; Similar to when you rent a car and do not want to use your own auto insurance
  • Should there be a claim, it will not tarnish your policy and rates, and, unlike most corporate policies, there is no deductible

Rainprotection makes it simple! Purchase your insurance online, which is already pre-filled with all of the proper show information, and a copy of your insurance cetificate will instantly be sent to you and to Show Management.

Order Exhibitor Liability Insurance Today!


DIRECT SHIPPING = April 12-15, 2025

Detailed shipping instructions will be included in the Exhibitor Service Kit.
Don't forget - Drayage/ Material Handling (moving items between your truck at the dock and your booth) is included in your exhibit space fee provided your truck arrives by your assigned move-in date and time (not advance warehouse). This should be a significant cost savings to your company!

For shipping questions or to confirm delivery of your warehouse shipment, please call Freeman Transportation® at 800-995-3579 or email exhibit.transportation@freeman.com.

Plan to hand carry your items?
Exhibitors can bring anything in/out on their own provided it can be carried/rolled without assistance and done from a designated parking space. Vehicles are prohibited from stopping traffic or unloading in front of the convention center.



Each exhibitor receives three (3) complimentary registrations per 100 net square feet (nsf) of paid exhibit space. Exhibitors will be provided a customized complimentary registration code via email to register their staff online. If additional badges are needed above and beyond the complimentary allotment, they can be purchased at a discounted rate.

Register Here

Questions? For assistance or to have your exhibitor code resent, contact:

Marissa Higgins
Registration Manager


As an exhibitor, you receive a personalized VIP code that grants your customers and prospects exclusive FREE registration. Your code is simply “VIP” + your booth number. (Example: VIP1550) During the registration process registrants are asked if they have a “discount code”, which is then entered and automatically comps their registration.

Promoting your VIP code is a win-win strategy. It increases booth traffic, enhances brand visibility, offers exclusive value to your customers, and provides the chance to win exhibit space, helping reduce your costs for future events.

How to Promote Your VIP Code:

  • Social Media: Post the VIP code on your social media platforms (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to reach your audience and create buzz around your booth.
  • Website/Email Signature: Feature the VIP code prominently on your company website or email signature to make it easy to register.
  • Email Campaigns: Send out newsletters or event-specific email blasts to your customers with the VIP code and a call-to-action to register for free.

Download the interactive HTML HERE

Want a custom graphic to promote your participation? Please contact Carly Reimer, Event Specialist at reimerc@bnpmedia.com


PRINT DEADLINE = February 27, 2025

Exhibitors receive a company listing on the event website's floor plan, in the Show Program and event mobile app. A standard directory listing includes: company name, address, phone number, website, booth # and 75-word company profile and up to 5 product categories.

Exhibitors will receive an email with a link to add/update your profile on the interactive floor plan.  The profile that is uploaded to the floor plan will be used to create each exhibiting company's directory listing in the Show Program and mobile app. If you have any questions or need assistance uploading your company profile please contact:

Carly Reimer
Event Specialist

Make your company stand out in the Show Program and Mobile App by upgrading to a Premium Listing.


One of the top five reasons exhibitors participate in a trade show is to gain exposure through media coverage. BNP Media has teamed up with Riemer Communications to provide exhibitors a cost effective way to communicate messages about their new products and services to editors, reporters and bloggers that have been invited as well as those that have registered for the event. News stories that come out of a trade show can make a company's entire year. For a new company or product, it can put them on the road to success.

The ASSEMBLY Show South, Quality Show and Adhesives in Action will generate a lot of excitement and media interest, and there are many free ways to get your name out in the media.

  • Share your Company's Story
    Many of the industry trade publications are already working on pre-show issues and they are looking for information from the exhibitors to help them write the most complete and comprehensive coverage about The ASSEMBLY Show South, Quality Show and Adhesives in Action. We encourage you to send press materials to all of the trade editors.
  • Virtual Press Office
    Interested in posting your press releases on the event website Industry News feed? Exhibitors can post up to three press releases at no cost on the event website. Complete the online submission form to submit your press release today.
  • Drop Off Press Kits in the Onsite Press Office
    The press office will be located in the Music City Center in Nashville, TN during show hours. Exhibitors are encouraged to display their information kits in the press room for easy access by the media. Access is restricted to accredited members of the working press. Up to 25 kits may be placed in the press room and all kits should be dropped off to the press room onsite.

Press Contact:

Amy Riemer
Media Relations Manager
P: 978-475-4441
C: 978-502-4895


Download the event logos and web ads to use in your company marketing, website, social media, email singuatre, etc. to promote your participation in the Show.

Wish to customize the web ad with your booth number? Please contact Carly Reimer, Event Specialist at reimerc@bnpmedia.com


Increase your exposure by becoming a sponsor or take advantage of the many marketing opportunities that will give your company significant presence to a targeted audience of manufacturing professionals.



Hotel Block: Book within the Show hotel block through our official hotel partner, Executiveevents, to enjoy significant discounts on room rates at hotels within walking distance of the convention center, making your trip to Nashville both convenient and affordable. Discounted room rates are available until March 19, 2025 or until the room block sells out—whichever comes first.

Book Your Reservation

Beware of unauthorized hotel solicitations and avoid companies falsely posing as a partner of the Show. For your protection, only book via the online booking links provided on our travel page.

Parking:The Music City Center is home to the largest covered parking garage in downtown Nashville with reasonable rates and 24-hour roving security. The garage is located at 701 Demonbreun Street. Primary access (P3) is at the intersection of 7th Avenue and Demonbreun Street with auxiliary access (P1 & P2) along 6th Avenue.



Wednesday, April 16

10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Thursday, April 17

9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Exhibitor Deadlines

Official Show Vendors

2025 Event Sponsors

Diamond Sponsor


Ruby Sponsors


Gold Sponsors

Document Crunch RIVET Trunk Tools

Silver Sponsors

AlignOps Clearstory constructivIQ CrewSight Dodge Frontrol GoFormz Matterport OpenAsset Planera PLOT Quickbase Strategic Industry Solutions SmartPM Technologies Tough Leaf

Late Stage Start-up Sponsors

elas clue Rugged Robotics Workorb AI

Industry Partners

AGC of California BuildIt California Global Leadership Associates (GLA)