Welcoming You Back Safely

As we welcome you to celebrating at the ENR Groundbreaking Women In Construction together again in-person in 2022, the health and safety of our on-site event participants remains a top priority. In addition to following the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) prevention strategies guidelines as well as all current federal, state and local directives, we are continuing to develop and implement the most up-to-date protocols for safe and successful in-person events this autumn.

We are committed to keeping all of our attendees, staff, sponsors and vendors up to date with the latest health & safety developments to ensure a coordinated and a safe on-site experience for all. As guidelines and restrictions continue to change and evolve, the Groundbreaking Women In Construction will adapt plans accordingly and provide regular updates to event participants as necessary.

General Building Prevention Strategies

We are working with the San Francisco Hilton Union Square. to follow the prevention strategies set forth by the CDC and adhering to the recommendations outlined in the U.S. EPA's emerging Pathogen Policy regarding cleaning disinfectants. In addition to the enhancements to Hilton's cleaning protocols, we will ensure a safe environment for all participants including:
  • Increasing the frequency of sanitation and disinfectant practices, particularly in high traffic and high touch areas, including handrails, washrooms, doors and doorknobs.
  • Positioning hand sanitizer stations in key high-traffic areas throughout the facility.
  • Increasing the strength of the disinfecting solutions used.
  • Increased training for building personnel to identify potential issues and prevent the transmission of COVID-19.
  • The Public Safety department, Paramedics/EMT, Event Staff and Security personnel have been educated and trained in identifying and recognizing the signs, symptoms and prevention of COVID-19.
  • Remaining in close contact with local, state and federal authorities/agencies for the latest updates and recommendations.

Event Management Protocols - What to Expect On-Site

Event management will implement and enforce all protocols and COVID-19 directives/mandates established by city, state, local and federal government agencies. You can see the City of San Francisco's current regulations here. GWIC is projected to have 600-800 attendees. As part of our commitment to support a safe experience, everyone in attendance, including attendees, exhibitors, vendors, building employees and event staff, are expected to comply with the following health and safety requirements:

  • Vaccination Status – NOT REQUIRED. Currently, the City of San Francisco does not require masks, testing or proof of vaccination for indoor events unless they exceed 1,000 in attendance.
  • Face coverings – RECOMMENDED, NOT REQUIRED. Masks will be available at registration. Registration staff and service staff will be masked.
  • Increased sanitization and hygiene – We ask that you use hand sanitizer when provided to protect yourself and other event participants. It is the responsibility of everyone to maintain personal hygiene, including washing hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water.
  • Physical distancing – NOT REQUIRED. We will have red, yellow and green arm bracelets so that attendees can, if they wish, indicate their preferred level of interaction. Red: Keeping my distance. Yellow: Ok with talking but not touching. Green: Okay with handshakes and high fives. We ask that, to the best of your ability, you are mindful of other attendees' preferences.
  • Healthy You - We ask that participants come to the event symptom free of any illness and not attend the event if you feel sick, have a temperature or generally do not feel well.

Health & Safety Acknowledgement

Please ensure you have reviewed any advisories or restrictions in place for the locale you are attending for more information.

Exposure to COVID-19 exists in any event or public space, including the Groundbreaking Women In Construction. Before purchasing a ticket for and attending the Groundbreaking Women In Construction, ensure you have read the latest CDC Guidelines for Prevention.

By attending the Groundbreaking Women In Construction, you acknowledge this inherent risk and, as a condition of the Groundbreaking Women In Construction, you acknowledge, understand and confirm each of the following in accordance with applicable health guidelines:

  • You will abide by all of the Groundbreaking Women In Construction health-and-safety requirements
  • You are not currently experiencing any of the following symptoms of COVID-19, as identified at CDC.gov, including, but not limited to:
    • Fever or chills
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • Fatigue
    • Muscle or body aches
    • Headache
    • New loss of taste or smell
    • Sore throat
    • Congestion or runny nose
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Diarrhea
  • Before attending the Groundbreaking Women In Construction you have not been in contact with someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 symptoms without completing a 5-day quarantine; and
  • You are not under any self-quarantine orders.

Please do not enter the Groundbreaking Women In Construction if you cannot confirm all of the above criteria. If at any point during your time at the ENR Groundbreaking Women In Construction you do not meet all of the above criteria, you will be required to isolate and may be relocated or asked to leave at the sole discretion of event management.

Please note: The guidelines in this document are based on information currently available regarding the behavior and characteristics of the COVID-19 virus, public health information and local or state guidelines with respect to large gatherings in any particular community. As more clarity concerning these variables emerge, these guidelines may be adjusted accordingly.