Groundbreaking Women in Construction Conference

Henry Nutt

Henry Nutt III
Preconstruction Executive, Southland Industries
Chair, Diversity & Inclusion Steering Committee, AGC

Speaker: What You Need to Know About DEI & the Infrastructure Act

As Southland Industries’ preconstruction executive, Mr. Nutt brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to his position as well his unique strategy of field support, which includes a mixture of a “boots on the ground” type of approach combined with the practical theory of relationship building. This approach has allowed him to authentically build new Lean champions within the company and successfully strategize with clients by highlighting the benefits of Lean practices through answering the number one question: what’s in it for me?

Mr. Nutt was a union sheet metal worker with Local 104 for 32 years, and served as Southland’s sheet metal general superintendent for 13 years where he was responsible for over 200 sheet metal workers and led Lean implementation on Southland’s projects throughout Northern California.

Mr. Nutt is currently part of the National Lean Steering Committee and is the 2020 Chair for the National Diversity & Inclusion Steering Committee for the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC). He also sits on the National Board of Directors for the Lean Construction Institute (LCI) where he leads a task force designed to encourage trade partner involvement for LCI events. He received the prestigious Pioneer Award from LCI in 2018. Mr. Nutt is the author of Seven Principles – Creating Your Success in the Construction Industry.

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