Every year, ENR conducts a survey of large general contractors, engineers, architects and construction and program managers from around the world. If you are a construction company, design firm, construction management firm or program management firm based in the United States, you can participate in the survey and, if qualified, be ranked on an ENR Top List by completing the ENR Top 100/400/500 survey.
Deadline: Monday, March 10, 2025.
The ENR Top List surveys are conducted online. The first step is to follow the link below to the survey registration page. There, you will be asked to complete a general contact form and create your own password. Only you will know this password, so be sure to write it down. If you have already taken an ENR survey in the past four months, you may already have a password. If you have forgotten the password, simply click the box for forgotten passwords. ENR does not have access to your password.
Once you get to the ENR survey, you will need your company's six-digit company ID code, which was contained in an email was sent out in early February.
If you did not receive an email or cannot find your Company ID or are new to the ENR Top List surveys, please contact Jon Keller, ENR Survey Manager, at kellerj@enr.com, for your Company ID.
Here are the links to the sign-on page that will lead you to all three of ENR's national Top List surveys. You will need your Company ID to access the surveys.
For your convenience, we have provided the survey forms and supporting materials in Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format. Please use these pdf forms as worksheets before signing on to the online survey.
Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] Format
Microsoft Word [.doc] Format
Regional Design Firm and Contractor Surveys
We also have available the survey forms in Microsoft Word [.docx] format. If you would like the surveys in this format, contact us at kellerj@enr.com.
The ENR regional publications also have Top Design Firms and Top Contractors lists, which have separate survey forms, which will be available in early February for Design Firms and late February for Contractor.
For further information, or to obtain your company's Company ID and Password to use ENR's interactive survey, contact Survey Manager Jon Keller.
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