California needs an additional annual infrastructure investment of $65 billion to bring its aging systems up to date, according to conclusion of the California Infrastructure Report Card 2012 released this week by Region 9 of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
ASCE, which was supported in the effort by the American Public Works Association, University of California, Irvine Civil & Environmental Engineering Affiliates and the American Council of Engineering Cos., gave the state an overall grade of "C." This is the second report of its kind for California. The first report card was issued in 2006 and gave the state's infrastructure an overall grade of "C-". The slight improvement in California's overall grade, says the ASCE, can be attributed to the nearly $42 billion voter-approved infrastructure bonds in 2006.
In addition to issuing an overall grade, the report card provides an evaluation and letter grade for eight of California's critical infrastructure areas: aviation, levees/flood control, ports, solid waste, transportation, urban runoff, wastewater and water systems. The grades are:
Aviation C+
Levees/Flood Control D
Ports B-
Solid Waste B
Transportation C-
Urban Runoff D+
Wastewater C+