MidwestMidwest Construction ProjectsBest Projects2012 Best Projects Green Award of Merit: Rivers Casino By John Gregerson Concrete contractor STRUCTURAL commandeered more than 200 repair specialists, dividing work into two 12-hour shifts that operated for 30 consecutive days. Photo Courtesy of STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL logged zero safety incidents during more than 67,000 man hours. Photo Courtesy of STRUCTURAL Repairs to a sponge coker unit at a Citgo petroleum refinery in Lemont, Ill., required years of planning due to a window of just 30 days to execute the project. Photo Courtesy of STRUCTURAL Each work area, including head decks, coke chutes, pit floors and pit walls, was assigned a dedicated project management team to develop related safety, execution and QA/QC plans. Photo Courtesy of STRUCTURAL November 26, 2012 Submitted by: Pepper Construction Co. Share This Story Previous 1 2 Next Post a comment to this article Name* E-mail (will not be displayed)* Subject Comment* Report Abusive Comment Thank you for helping us to improve our forums. Is this comment offensive? Please tell us why.