Despite experiencing roughly 104 in. of rainfall over the course of construction—and losing 50 working days at the start of work—Robins & Morton built a new proppant manufacturing facility in Millen, Ga., for CARBO Ceramics Inc. within 18 months. The facility adds 125,000 tons to the firm's production capacity for ceramic proppant, a material used by the oil and gas industry. Crews installed new infrastructure for the site, including electrical, water, roads and a rail spur, and erected two prefabricated steel structures and six poured-in-place concrete buildings. To expedite construction, steel placement was redirected after erection of each building's first two levels, which allowed concrete crews to pour floors. That enabled other trades to work inside while steel was hung on the remainder of the structures.

Award of Merit, Energy and Industrial — CARBO Millen Line 1 Grassroots Ceramic Proppant Facility, Millen, Ga.
Key Players
Contractor, Engineer Robins & Morton, Birmingham, Ala.
Owner CARBO Ceramics, Houston
Civil Engineer EMC Engineering Services, Statesboro, Ga.