Regional Surveys



Regional Top Design Firms

ENR’s annual Regional Top Design Firms surveys rank design firms based on revenue earned in 11 different regions, and include breakout rankings based on project sectors, work type and state-by-state activity. With these lists, architectural and engineering firms can demonstrate activity in their local regions and within particular areas of expertise.

The Regional Top Design Firms surveys can be found here: 

  • Survey launch: February 5, 2024
  • Survey notices emailed out in early February
  • Due date: April 1, 2024 
  • Extensions:
    • Southeast:                 April 15, 2024
    • Southwest:                April 22, 2024 
    • Midwest:                    April 22, 2024
    • New England:           April 29, 2024
    • New York:                  April 29, 2024 
    • Mountain States:      May 6, 2024
    • Texas & Louisiana:  May 6, 2024
    • California:                 May 20, 2024
    • MidAtlantic:              May 20, 2024
    • Northwest:                May 20, 2024
  • List published in the issue of:
    • Southeast:                  May 13, 2024
    • Southwest:                 May 13, 2024 
    • Midwest:                     May 13, 2024
    • New England:            May 27, 2024
    • New York:                  May 27, 2024 
    • Mountain States:       May 27, 2024
    • Texas & Louisiana:   May 27, 2024
    • California:                 June 17, 2024
    • MidAtlantic:              June 17, 2024
    • Northwest:                June 17, 2024

Regional Top Contractors

ENR’s annual Regional Top Contractors surveys rank general contractors and construction management firms based on revenue earned in 11 different regions, and include breakout rankings based on project sectors, work type and state-by-state activity. With these lists, contractors can show activity in local regions and within particular areas of expertise.

The Regional Top Contractors surveys can be found here: 

  • Survey launch: February 19, 2024
  • Survey notices emailed out in late February
  • Due date: May 6, 2024
  • Extensions: 
    • Southeast:                 May 20, 2024
    • Southwest:                May 20, 2024 
    • Midwest:                    May 20, 2024
    • New England:           May 27, 2024
    • New York:                  May 27, 2024 
    • Mountain States:      May 27, 2024
    • Texas & Louisiana:  May 27, 2024
    • California:                 June 10, 2024
    • MidAtlantic:              June 10, 2024
    • Northwest:                June 10, 2024
  • List published in the issue of:
    • Southeast:                July 1, 2024 
    • Southwest:               July 1, 2024
    • Midwest:                   July 1, 2024
    • New England:           July 22, 2024
    • New York:                 July 22, 2024
    • Mountain States:     July 22, 2024
    • Texas & Louisiana:  July 22, 2024
    • California:                August 12, 2024
    • MidAtlantic:             August 12, 2024
    • Northwest:               August 12, 2024

Regional Top Specialty Contractors

ENR’s annual Regional Top Specialty Contractors surveys rank specialty contractors based on revenue earned in 10 regions, and include breakout rankings based on project sectors, work type and state-by-state activity. With these lists, specialty contractors can demonstrate activity in local regions and within particular areas of expertise.

The Regional Top Specialty Contractors surveys can be found here: 

  • Survey launch: June 3, 2024
  • Survey notices emailed out in early June
  • Due date: August 5, 2024
  • List published in the issue of:
    • Southeast:                 September 2, 2024
    • Southwest:                September 2, 2024
    • Midwest:                    September 16, 2024
    • New England:            September 16, 2024
    • New York:                  September 16, 2024
    • Mountain States:      September 30, 2024
    • Texas & Louisiana:  September 30, 2024
    • California:                 December 16, 2024
    • Northwest:                December 16, 2024
    • MidAtlantic:              December 16, 2024

Firms are welcome to participate in the appropriate survey and qualify for ENR Top List ranking. There is no charge or obligation to participate. To participate in a regional survey, please email Jack McMackin, Data Coordinator, at Please specify which survey you wish to receive. All we need is your company's name, address, the name and title of the person(s) in your firm to whom the survey should be addressed, a phone number, and direct email address of the survey recipient(s), as all ENR survey announcements and reminders are now sent by email. The company's home page also would be welcome.

For information on ENR national and international rankings, visit or contact Jon Keller, ENR’s Surveys and Rankings Editor, at

For ENR Top 200 Environmental Firms ranking, email the team at




ENR Photo Contest

ENR invites readers to submit photos to its annual “The Year in Construction” photo contest in the fall. Each year ENR asks our picture-taking readers — individuals and firms, amateurs and pros — to submit their best construction photos taken anywhere in the world during the past year. We look for dynamic and well-composed photos; but only those that show safe working conditions and behavior. A panel of ENR and guest judges select the best of the best photos submitted for publication in ENR. The winning photos are published each January. You can find more details about the contest and view past ENR Year in Construction winners here:

  • Contest launch: September 9, 2024
  • Deadline: November 18, 2024

Regional Best Projects

ENR seeks entries for our annual awards program, which is dedicated to recognizing the best construction projects and companies that designed and built them. Projects compete in specialized market categories, with awards for sustainability and safety also made. You can learn more about the contest and enter at

  • Contest launch: March 11, 2024
  • Early Bird deadline: May 6, 2024
  • Regular deadline: June 10, 2024
  • Final deadline: June 21, 2024 (Late Fee Applies)
  • Deadline Extensions:
    • Southeast:                June 28th
    • Southwest:               June 28th
    • New York:                 June 28th
    • New England:          June 28th
    • Midwest:                   July 8th
    • Mountain States:     July 8th
    • Northwest:               July 8th
    • Texas & Louisiana: July 8th

Best of the Best Projects: For the national competition, category winners from ENR's regional competitions are automatically moved forward. No additional entry or fee is required.


ENR Global Best Projects

Entries can be submitted to Global Best Projects from around the world regardless of where the project team is based, except for projects located in the U.S., which must feature an international team. Globally diverse project teams are encouraged to submit. You can find out more info here:

  • Contest launch: May 6, 2024
  • Early bird deadline: June 14, 2024 (No entry fee)
  • Regular deadline: Aug. 19, 2024
  • Final deadline: Sept. 6, 2024 (Late Fee Applies)


ENR Top Young Professionals

This annual program profiles up-and-coming leaders in the design and construction industry. The article appears in the first issues of the year for each of the respective ENR Regional Editions. You can find more information here:

  • Contest launch: April 15, 2024
  • Deadline: June 24, 2024
  • Deadline Extension: July 22, 2024

 National Top 20 Under 40: For the national competition, winners of Top Young Professionals will automatically be entered. No additional entry is required.

 ENR Legacy Award

 The Legacy Award recognizes industry veterans who have made contributions to their profession and community. Nominees considered include those with a history of innovation, outstanding career highlights and an engagement within the industry and broader community. Visit for more info and how to submit.

  • Contest launch: March 3, 2024
  • Deadline: November 4, 2024


Regional Top Starts

Each regional publication ranks the largest project starts of the previous year. The list is compiled via research and input from the construction community in January and February. You can email a regional editor directly if you have a project you think would be applicable.


Regional Questions?

If you have specific questions about a regional issue, please contact your regional editor:

ENR California Calif., Hawaii — C.J. Schexnayder,
ENR Mid-Atlantic D.C., Del., Md., Pa., Va., W. Va. — Justin Rice,
ENR Midwest Ill., Ind., Iowa, Kan., Ky., Mich., Minn., Mo., Neb., Ohio, Wis. — Annemarie Mannion,
ENR Mountain States Colo., Idaho, Mont., N.D., S.D., Utah, Wyo. —  Jen Seward,
ENR New England Conn., Maine, Mass., N.H., R.I., Vt. — Justin Rice,
ENR New York N.J., N.Y. — Justin Rice,
ENR Northwest Alaska, Ore., Wash. — C.J. Schexnayder,
ENR Southeast Ala., Fla., Ga., N.C., P.R., S.C., Tenn. — Derek Lacey,
ENR Southwest Ariz., N.M. , Nev. — Scott Judy,
ENR Texas & Louisiana Ark., La., Miss., Okla., Texas — Scott Judy,