St. Bernard Levee Partners, a joint venture led by URS Corp., completed the $272.7 million Chalmette Loop Levee improvement project for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hurricane Protection Office in New Orleans in September 2011.

Photo courtesy of URS staff
Improvements to the Chalmette Loop Levee.

Construction included roughly eight miles of work roads, plus grading and maintenance to the top of the levee.

The SBLP team drove about 1.1 million sq ft of sheet pile and placed 100,000 cu yd of concrete, resulting in 40,800 lineal ft of cast-in-place concrete foundations and T-walls, including 800 foundations and 800 wall monoliths.

Key Players

Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hurricane Protection Office, New Orleans

General Contractor: St. Bernard Levee Partners LLC, Boise, Idaho

Lead Design: HNTB Corp., Plano, Texas

Submitted by URS Corp.