CB&I and Babcock & Wilcox teamed to construct the 620-MW John W. Turk Jr. Power Plant, with work spanning from April 2007 to December 2012.
The entire project team, including the owners, contractors and subcontractors, recorded 12.8-million man-hours on the $1.7-billion facility. Despite the project's enormous size and the massive number of man-hours required to build it, the team logged a recordable incident rate of just 0.64 and a lost-time accident rate of 0.11, impressing this year's safety judges.
A job safety assessment process refocused the work force before, during and after each work task every day. CB&I performed 13 different safety audits weekly to ensure compliance along with trending of leading indicators. This audit process, plus a site safety committee made up of union and nonunion contractors, had a major impact on the project's overall safety and culture.
The project team was able to adapt and refocus its efforts on fallen-object audits at the end of 2009 and start of 2010, when CB&I was in a safety stand-down for several days as a result of dropped material while erecting boiler steel.
"Safety is always our number one priority at CB&I. Extensive safety training was given to all craft and management to continually adhere to a safety-first culture," says Scott Reschly, project director for CB&I. "Management led by example, and the craftsmen dedicated themselves to that philosophy because they understood how much they, as people, were valued by CB&I."
All craft workers and management were required to take site-specific safety orientations, OSHA 10, fall-protection, electrical-tagout and fire-watch training. Management was required to take even more training, including OSHA 30, core foreman modules, accident investigation, JSA, hazard recognition, substance-abuse training, barricade exclusion and other safety-driven training modules.
The owner, American Electric Power's Southwestern Electric Power Co., commended CB&I's safety program as one of the best it has been involved with as far as buy-in, execution and results.
Key Players
Owner American Electric Power’s Southwestern Electric Power Co., Columbus, Ohio
General Contractors CB&I (BOP GC) and The Babcock & Wilcox Co. (AQCS GC), both of Charlotte, N.C.
Lead Design CB&I, Centennial, Colo.