Fluor Canada Ltd. helped Shell Oil to create its first utility-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) project, which will capture and store about 1 million metric tons per year—the equivalent of removing 250,00 vehicles off the roads annually.
The Quest CCS project involved building a commercial processing facility for large-scale carbon capture and sequestration to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions from Shell's oil-sands upgraders, which upgrade bitumen from the Athabasca oil sands into refinery-ready crude oil.
The facility will store CO2 emission from an upgrader integrated with a refinery at the project site. The CO2 is captured and then transported 65 kilometers via an underground pipeline to an injection location deep underground in a geological formation known as the Basal Cambrian Aquifer. Fluor says it used existing technologies in a novel way to help Shell reduce direct CO2 emissions by about a third.
Completed in 2014 on time and under budget, the Quest project is Shell's first commercial-scale CCS facility.
Project Team
Owner: Shell Canada Ltd.
Contractor: Fluor Canada Ltd.
Lead Design Firm: Fluor Canada Ltd.
Civil Engineering, MEP Engineering: Fluor Canada Ltd.
Well Site and Pipeline Construction: AECOM
Pipeline Engineering and Procurement: Toyo Engineering Canada Ltd.