GSA Reveals Stimulus Projects
The U.S. General Services Administration has added its list to the growing stream of projects expected to hit the market under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known as the stimulus package. The list represents $5.55 billion in total spending with $4.5 billion dedicated to converting federal facilities to high-performance green buildings. The list includes hundreds of projects in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and two U.S. territories.

The complete list can be found at
"We are ready to move forward with speed, tempered by careful consideration of our responsibilities and accountability to the American taxpayer," said Paul F. Prouty, acting GSA administrator, in a statement.
New construction includes $734 million for eight federal buildings and courthouses, highlighted by $500 million for the St. Elizabeth�s Campus project in Washington, D.C., that will house a new Dept. of Homeland Security headquarters.
Another $300 million will be used for seven border stations and land ports of entry, including $200 million for the U.S. Land Port of Entry at Nogales, Ariz.
The high-performance green building initiative includes more than $3.17 billion in work on 43 projects that would include full or partial building modernizations. Those projects range from $225.6 million for the Herbert Hoover Building in Washington, D.C., to $8.2 million for the Emanuel Celler U.S. Courthouse in New York City.
Another $807 million is dedicated to dozens of smaller energy projects with the majority estimated at under $1 million.
GSA noted that a "rigorous re-design" of existing projects will be needed for several older projects to ensure that they meet requirements in the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 as well as guidelines for energy efficiency outlined in executive orders signed by former President Bush.
According to GSA, projects were selected based on the speed at which jobs can be created and how much added energy efficiency can be gained. GSA will award $1 billion dollars in the first 120 days. All contracts will be awarded within the next two years.
GSA has created a program management office to oversee these projects, which will be managed nationally and executed regionally. GSA expects to use a mix of existing staff, new permanent and temporary hires, contract sources and temporary rehires. Specifics about the procurement methods expected to be used were not disclosed.